Ch 8- A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!

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(Natalia's POV One Week Later)

"Sasuke, I'm at point B," he informed us over the intercom.

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"......Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

"You're slow, Naruto." Dad then asked, "What about you, Natalia?"

"I'm already with the target."

Everyone sighed and in unison muttered, "Of course you are."

I chuckled, "I don't get why you guys even bother anymore. You already know the animals always come to me."

"We know," my dad said. "Everyone, get to Natalia."

I looked down at Tora sitting at my feet and sighed, "come here, little Tora." I picked her up and petted her, "Now, now. I know your mommy is scary and is very aggressive with you, but that's how mommies sometimes are. I think I know that better than anyone... But you can't run away from her." She gave a sad meow. "It will all be okay, I'll tell her to be more gentle with you, got it?" She meowed more happily this time.

I looked up at everyone who just arrived and saw that they were just blinking at me while taking off their ear pieces since we were all together now.

"What?" I innocently questioned.

Sakura answered by asking, "Can you actually understand her?"

I replied, "Not literally. It's just easy for me to add up what she's saying, because this is how I learned to understand what my mom's pet pig, Tonton, would say." She just slowly nodded in response.

"Alright, lost pet Tora captured. I guess, mission accomplished?" Dad unsurely asked.

I snorted, "Yeah, 'mission'." I put air quotes around the word.


"AHH!" I yelled, ripping my earpiece off, "dude!"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you still had it on..." he sheepishly apologized.

Out of nowhere, Tora started growling, making everyone's eyes widen as we looked down at her glaring at Naruto. She vaulted out of my arms and viciously attacked him, for insulting her and hurting my ears.

'I guess some things I really can't change..'


Before handing over Tora to Madam Shijimi (Feudal Lord's wife), I warned her, "As a medical ninja, I must encourage you to be gentle with her. She was in the wild for longer than a pet cat should be and we don't know if she was hurt or not. She's a bit scared right now, so please," I held out Tora to her, "don't hug her, just pet her gently, okay?"

She nodded nervously and slowly took Tora into her own arms and started petting her, "Oh, my poor little Tora. Mommy was so worried about her naughty little fuzzykins, yes."

I sighed in relief as no aggressive hugs were done to poor Tora, and I went to stand beside my teammates, in between my dad and Naruto.

"That stupid cat doesn't deserve to be treated gently," Naruto of course blurted. I flicked his nose. "Ow!"

"Your fault," I told him. He just groaned, still rubbing his nose.

The Feudal Lord's wife then left the building, but didn't forget to bid her farewell to us, "Thank you all, and goodbye Miss Great Nations."

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