Ch 5-Pass or Fail: Survival Test!

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(Natalia's POV continued)

After telling us that I wasn't going to be participating in the bell test, my suspicious father said, "I'll explain the reason to you once I'm done explaining the task." I nodded in semi-understanding.

He clarified what the task was to my team, "it's a survival exercise."

Naruto questioned it, "huh? Survival exercise?"

"I thought we were supposed to have a real mission, not more practice. We already did this stuff at the academy. That's how we got here." Sakura informed him.

"This is not like your previous training." Kakashi replied.

"So, uh... So, uh, what kind of training is it then?" Naruto asked, beginning to grow nervous.

Kakashi then started sadistically laughing, which made me do the same, but more subtly and in a way that didn't make me look like a maniac.

Naruto and Sakura snapped their heads between the two of us with very creeped out and confused expressions. Sasuke just waited for an explanation, since he was used to my sadism as a kid.

Sakura grew suspicious, "Hey, hold on. That's a normal question. What's so funny?"

"Heh, well if I tell you the answer, you're not going to like it~" He chuckled again but then grew serious out of nowhere, "of the 27 graduates who just came here, not including Natalia, only nine will actually be accepted as Genin. The other 18 will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make or break it, pass/fail test, and the chance that you'll fail is at least 66%." This completely shocked them. "See? Didn't I tell you you wouldn't like it?"

"That's crazy!!" Naruto exclaimed, "we worked hard to get here. Believe it! What was that graduation test for anyway?"

"Oh, that. That was just to select candidates who might become Genin..or not. That's how it is. I decide whether you pass or fail." Kakashi then looked at me, "now I'll explain why you won't be participating." I nodded and paid attention along with my teammates.

"First of all, you aren't required to partake in this test, since the only reason you're a Genin is so you can advance to the next ranks naturally, instead of immediately like you should at your skill level, which you obviously know why. Second, because of your skill level, I already know you'll pass this test easily, so it wouldn't be fair to your teammates. Third, you know too much about this test already, and I don't want you helping them...they have to figure it out on their own."

"I wasn't going to tell them anything." I told him, making him raise a brow at me and everyone else grow even more confused. "Okay maybe I was going to help out a bit and steer them in the right direction, BUT, I would have let them figure it out on their own anyway."

He shook his head, "it doesn't matter. Besides, I have other plans for you, which I'll discuss with you after you take your IQ test with Shikaku." I sighed and finally nodded in understanding.

Sakura then muttered, "I'm so confused."

"Me too." Naruto added, "I don't get it. If you're stronger, then why didn't you become a Genin before?"

I glanced at Kakashi and sighed. He nodded saying it was okay for me to explain a bit.

I turned back to Sakura and Naruto, "look, it has to do with why I can't tell you who I am. If people find out, it will put my life and possibly the entire village in danger." Their brows furrowed in puzzlement. "I have special abilities that certain rogue ninjas would want to abduct me for and figure out how to use for their own benefit. If they do figure that out, the village--actually no, the entire shinobi world could perish." Their eyes widened immensely. And I wasn't lying.. I still have to figure out exactly how Obito wants to use me. "To keep my identity even more on the low, the Hokage said he needed me to rank up at the same rate as any other person my age would. That's why I'm not at the rank I'm supposed to be at yet, and instead have to wait longer with a regular Genin squad, so I don't attract any attention from other villages." I finished and let out a breath, as I was already tired of explaining.

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