Ch 7- A Date with Sasuke?!

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-A lot's going down in this chapter and is very important to the story!-

<One Week Later>

(Natalia's POV)

"I have to do what?!" I asked Gramps incredulously, after he explained our next "mission" to my team and I. Everyone else in the office was just chuckling at me from what was asked of me.

He repeated himself with an annoying smirk, "you have to represent the Land of Fire in the Miss Great Nations beauty pageant."

I just kinda had a "what in the name of dango" face at that point and couldn't even reply to this nonsense.

He then explained, "This beauty pageant is held by the feudal lords of the Five Great Shinobi Nations every five years, and is honestly just for entertainment purposes." We all sweatdropped. "However, there is a prize. Whichever nation wins, they receive a fairly large sum of money from the other nations' leaders. Most of that money actually goes to the Hidden Village of the nation, and is used for their medical supplies, school funds, housing, etcetera."

I finally spoke up, "so if we win, it actually does benefit our village." He nodded. I sighed, "but why me?" Everyone looked at me like I grew a second head. I sighed again, "okay, I know why me, but aren't I supposed to be keeping a low profile right now?"

Gramps nodded, "yes, but that only applies to your ninja status and skills which won't be present in this pageant. There's no way anyone will suspect a thing about your true identity or skill level. You will simply be known as a pageant contestant. And apparently our feudal lord had some of his men secretly observe the village recently in search of a girl to represent our country, and every single one of them saw and chose you."

"Oh, because stalking young girls to see which one is the prettiest isn't weird at all!" I sarcastically pointed out.

He just scratched the back of his head, not able to deny it while everyone else snorted.

"So I'm guessing there's no way I'm getting out of this?"

He shook his head, "not unless you want to be on bad terms with the Feudal Lord.." I quickly shook my head. He chuckled, "didn't think so. Now, you're allowed to bring up to four guests, so your entire team can accompany you, though it's your choice."

I turned to them, "do you guys want to?"

"There's no way I'd miss you winning, believe it!" Naruto grinned.

Dad gave me a closed eye smile, "I wouldn't miss it either."

"I'm obviously coming too." Sasuke said with a small smirk.

I smiled at them in return.

We all then turned to Sakura expectantly.

"I guess it'd be fun to watch." She finally said. I sent her a small smile, as she wasn't being very rude today. I actually didn't have much of a problem with her, it was just when she fangirled, screamed, asked too many questions, was rude to Naruto...and I just basically listed off all the things she does in a day...nevermind, maybe I did have a problem with her.

"Anything else I need to know?" I asked Gramps.

He looked directly at Sasuke, which instantly made me grow nervous.

He informed the both of us, "as a requirement of attending this pageant, the beauty contestant must be escorted by her boyfriend." Both of our eyes widened.

"B-boyfriend? But we're no--"

Gramps interrupted me, "I am aware you two are not actually together, but I figured Sasuke would be the best choice, as you two are very close and quite frankly, you look good together." I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing what he was doing.

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