Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Nine

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Chapter dedicated to @ItzShinRyujin and @ryujjins

Sorry for the late update. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Wala lang balakayo. Anyway, see you in hell, besteas😭

Mauuna na ko don.

GFC Fifty Nine

Lia's Point of View..

I was already moving past through what happened with Ryujin and I after that bar incident. I've gone home shaking from anger and gone to school yesterday like nothing happened when I stumbled upon her on my way to the cafeteria. I was so keen on avoiding her but the universe was so against it. And I hate every second of it.. but at the same time, I feel happy.

Today is the scheduled three day healing camp downtown. An hour and a half drive away from the university. Exclusive for CBA students. Funny thing is, I woke up late. I forgot about our schedule today and I even forgot about telling Yuna that I won't be home until Sunday. I ended up packing last minute and I have to sit on the only available seat inside the bus that the school rented which was, beside Ryujin.

Son Chaeyoung, as the bitch that she is, sat beside one of our classmates and I ended up suffering for almost two hours of uncomfortable silence beside my ex-girlfriend. Ryujin never tried to talk to me the whole ride which I'm actually grateful for. She also left the window seat for me even though she was the earlier one to arrive between the two of us. I appreciate the thought but I would never get soft over that.

Then we arrived at the venue. A small function room or building in the middle of a small forestry. Grounds that is wide enough for tourists and school camps to build a tent. The council members are still not here. One of the professors that accompanied us said that they would be here for the next day so they assigned three people each tent. And guess what? I was going to share the tent with Ryujin and Chaeyoung. It was a major upset for me. I literally wanted to go home if this isn't a requirement.

Good thing Chaeyoung insisted that she can build the tent with Ryujin and I don't have to help and so I did. I strolled around the area to kill time. Used my phone until it's dead batt and went back to where the two built our tent. And it was done but neither of them are on sight. My Duffel bag was also already inside the tent and so does some of their belongings. I casually lie down inside and zipped the tent close.

The last time I was in a tent, was my birthday. With Ryujin. The set up was really familiar. The sheets and pillows. Minus the rose petals and foods of course. And the cliff.. the stars.. the kisses.. the feelings.

Of course I'm still in love with her. I wouldn't get rid of those feelings that fast. And I wish it was that easy to do because I really don't want to keep loving a person who's clearly not on the same page as me. But.. her jealousy the other night was just something. The way she left Yeji to drag me out of there. But she didn't have to. I wished she didn't do it. It was just an addition to my worries.

How are we going to sleep inside this fucking small space without going at each other's neck? I remember that Chaeyoung and Ryujin are not really fond of each other as well. This is not going to end up good. I just know it won't. When Chaeyoung was literally being followed by trouble.

"H-hey." I jolted when I heard Ryujin's voice from the entrance of the tent. I raised an eyebrow and got up. "Uhm. They are calling for lunch at the function hall." Ryujin said without looking at me. Tss. Where the hell is Son Chaeyoung when I need her? She could have tell me that and not Ryujin.

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