Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Five

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GFC Twenty Five..

"So, this is your date plan for today, huh?" Ryujin smiled cockily and leaned back on the bike.

"Impressed yet?" I just shook my head but I couldn't wipe that stupid smile on my face. "Catch." I snapped out of my thoughts when she throw an open faced helmet on my direction. Good thing my reflexes was kind of fast today I actually catched it. "Hop in."

I smiled at the sight of her kind of struggling to place the stand. Are we going to be fine? She's just a little bit taller than me so I understand the disadvantages. But, let's just trust her to that. So, I put the helmet over my head and hopped on the back. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is my first tike riding a motor bike. This is not going to be easy. Geez.

"Hold on tight, baby." Then she held out her hand so I instinctively put my hand over hers. She gently circled my arm over her waist so that's what I did with my other arm. Fuck. "This is going to be fast."

"Ryujin, don't you think-- Oh my.. fuckkkk!"

I screamed on the top of my lungs when she revved up. What the heck is her problem?! I don't want to die yet! Then she accelerated once again causing me to squeak for the nth time. Every time I would let out a scream, Ryujin would laugh and God,  if she's not the designated driver, I would have asked for the Lord for Ryujin to choke to death. But then, I would die too.

"Fucking slow down, Shin Ryujin!!!" I screamed with my arms tightly wrapped around her waist.

"Fuck. Don't scream on my ear! Open your eyes. It's not scary at all." O-open my eyes? Can I do it without dying in the process? I genuinely think that the motorbike was flying!

But, I slowly did. I mean, opened my eyes. It has been closed since Ryujin drove off.  I don't even know where we are.

"See?" I was surprised to see that we were driving along a bridge and down below was a clean river connecting to the ocean not too far away.  I was missing this view all along?! And to add up, the sun was already setting. The view was breathtaking. The way the orange and pink skies was reflecting on the ocean was just.. wow.

"Hold on tight." I did as what Ryujin told me and turned away my attention to the scenery. "We're going even faster, baby."

What the fuck?! I instinctively closed my eyes when she revved up again. This girl, really. But, I slowly opened my eyes again. That's when I realized that it was more fun this way. I can appreciate the breeze of the wind on my face. And I didn't even noticed I was smiling like a dumb person I was.

Like, Ryujin sure does makes everything fun.

And I don't know whether to like it.. or be scared.

"So, when did you start learning how to drive a bike?" I asked out of the blue.

"Someone taught me how to. When I was in high school." Ryujin answered nonchalantly.

"Ahh." I muttered solely. I don't want to pry. Surely, she doesn't want to talk about the person who taught her how to. That's why she left the name of that person alone. Or she just think it was unnecessary for me to know. But, if she was taught by that person this kind of thing, that means they are close, right?

Ryujin sat beside me. We decided to stop by the side of the bridge where a grass field lies. Watching the orange skies over the horizon. The sun was already hiding over the mountains and the remnants of its light was still illuminating the navy blue skies.

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