Girlfriend Corporation: Fourteen

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GFC Fourteen...

I just stared at nothing for a good few minutes after that walk out scenario of Ryujin. And I found myself staring at the door where Ryujin previously shut harshly. I thanked Bella for licking my toes to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Ha. Not your girlfriend your ass."

Fuckkkkkkk. Why did I said that?! I could have just answered Chaeyoung honestly! Ryujin might think that I'm flirting with Chaeyoung on purpose which is so wrong. I acted like I was single in front of her. Even if all of these are just basically based on contract, Ryujin deserved some respect. Why do I always fuck things up?!

How stupid could you get, Lia?!

"Oh. Where is Jin Unnie?" My self loathing was interrupted when Yuna entered the dorm with Chaeryoung tailing behind her.

I didn't answered and ignored them then just continue on watching whatever this movie was. I'm distracted. And what am I going to tell them? Tell them the truth? And I don't know. I should feel guilty or remorse towards myself but what I'm feeling right now is shyness. I'm shy because of what?

"Hey, Choi Lia--"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not get personal bodyguard, okay?" I annoyingly answered. I heard a subtle gasp from Yuna. God. My mouth just couldn't stop saying things before having to think about it first.


I didn't let her finished what she was about to say and stood up then walked back to my room, slamming the door hard as much as possible. What the fuck is wrong with me? What's happening? Why am I mad? Why am I annoyed? I hate this! I fucking hate this feeling!


"Why can't you just tell me the truth, babe?"

Oh my God. Why can't Yuna just leave me alone? She's been asking me that since yesterday! No. It was since Thursday. Couldn't she get the hint that I don't want to talk about it that's why I'm avoiding that topic at all cost? Geez. Babe, don't be insensitive, please.

I didn't answered her question and just carried on eating my breakfast. Yes, I'm in a bad mood right now. actually, even yesterday. Ryujin went to school and had the guts to play basketball in their PE class. She was still sick! What was she thinking? If she was suicidal, she should tell me. I would gladly stab her to death. I swear. She's such a hard headed! But, I don't care! It's her life. If she was planning on killing her self, go on. I don't care.

"And Jin Unnie is not here. Did you guys fought again?" I dropped my utensils on Yuna's question. Were we? Of course we are! She haven't visited me for two days. That should answer her question.

"I don't know. Ask her." I answered thrifty. Yuna sighed heavily and seemed to get what I was saying and didn't answered. Instead, we just ate continue on eating in silence. She gave up eventually but who knows for how long? Knowing her, she would never shut up unless I just straight up told her the answer.

And why am I not answering her question? Because there was still that unknowing guilt, annoyance, and shyness that I don't know where had came from.

"Whatever it is, don't let your pride get in between you two." That's the word. Pride. Without further ado, I hastily got up and left the kitchen my food unfinished and Yuna shouting for my name. So this is what people call pride when they are in a relationship?

God. It's so hard to be this stupid when it comes to relationships! So, is this it? Pride?

The thing where you know you did absolutely wrong but you just couldn't seem to say sorry to that person because inside your head, you have a reason? That wrong doing that you did, you can't just acknowledge it because you have your own reason?

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