Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen

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GFC Fifteen....

Ryujin and I went out of my room and the first thing I saw was Yuna and Chaeryoung at the living room, watching some crappy documentaries. Nothing new. This is always the scene, right? Nothing unusual. So.. Hyunjin was just a dream. Right?

I saw Yuna's lips quirk up when she saw me with Ryujin and I suddenly felt ashamed. I couldn't get it out of my head. I mean, what I did was pretty drastic. I denied her for Pete's sake and I still feel bad about what happened.

I felt Ryujin tugged my hand and dragged me towards the kitchen. Geez. I didn't even noticed that we were holding each other's hand. She was holding my hand as if nothing happened last Thursdays. Here she is, treating me as if she was the one who made a mistake.

"Ice cream?" I muttered confused when I saw two tubs of ice cream on the kitchen island. Ryujin nodded with a playful smile. A pang of guilt.

That's what I felt when I saw her bright face.

And a sudden disappointment.. when she let go of my hand.

"Mmm. Chaeryoungie and I bought it on our way here." She explained softly.

"Oh." Geez. Why am I having a hard time muttering a coherent response? I feel like I don't have the energy to converse. I don't know. I'm not usually like this. There was still this part of me whose uneasy but whenever I look at Ryujin, she seemed to be just fine with it. "Y-you're still.." I wasn't able to finish my sentence or I just decided not to. Instead, I walked towards her and touched her neck. Ryujin flinched and jolted away a little. She still has a fever. But I immediately retracted my hands away from her. She's uncomfortable.

"I'm okay." Ryujin muttered softly.

And there, we just ate the ice cream that they bought. In an unbreakable silence. And I realized, no. We're not okay.


There was this underlying tension or awkwardness between all of us the whole duration of just sitting together. Or was it just me? I'm just the awkward one because I knew I did something. Also, I've been saying clipped answers every time they try to ask me a question and it seemed like I don't want to talk to them. In short, a Debby downer.

My train of thoughts was soon interrupted with my phone ringing that was placed on the center table. I saw the other three looked at me but I shrugged them off. I picked up the phone and checked the caller ID. It was my Dad.

[Hey there, darling.] I heard him greeted on the other line.

"Dad." I smiled upon hearing his cheerful voice. The only genuine smile I posed this day. I stood up from the couch and went outside of the dorm for privacy. "I miss you."

[I miss you too, darling.] I heard my Dad cooed. He's such a child.

"Pfft. When will you come and visit me again? You seem not to miss me that much." I joked. I sat on the well trimmed carpet grass not caring even though I was wearing a baggy white shirt.

[Soon. But, Oh yeah. I have my reason why I called.] I suddenly felt nervous. He rarely does have reason on calling me. Aside from he misses me of course.

"Uhm. What is it?" I started picking up some grass. I don't know. It was fun and help to calm my nerves. A distraction, I guess.

[Do you really want it badly?] I arched an eyebrow as if he would see me.

"Uhm. Enlighten me, please?" I asked genuinely perplexed.

[Artstuff.] Oh, that. But, how did he know? I sighed in realization. Mom might have told him and nagged about it. Nothing new. [You know that I just want what's the best for you. And I thought listening to your mother would be the best option. I didn't realized it wasn't what you really wanted from the very start. I thought your mind would change and set your goals in business when the time passes by.] I heard him sigh. [I would gladly let you walk on the path where you really wanted to. However, your Mom.. I will talk to her. I don't want to..]

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