Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Five

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GFC Fifty Five

Lee Chaeryeong's Point of View..

Last night was a torture for me. The way Yuna and I ended things was not how I envisioned it to be. I imagined that it would end in great notes but I wasn't even able to speak to her after she locked her bedroom door. I understand though. But what I didn't expect was to have this feeling of.. regrets deep inside me after. I thought that I would feel relieved. I would feel better knowing that she doesn't have to stick around me albeit she's hurting. But it didn't. I didn't felt that way. Instead, it became even more heavier to lift. My chest felt like it was ransacked. It was so damn confusing.

I rolled off my bed for the nth time today. Later today, Ryujin would experience the same heartache. I mean, it would be worst on her end since she's genuinely into Lia. Meanwhile, I, Lee Chaeryeong, I don't have feelings for Yuna. So why am I comparing myself to Ryujin? Is this a feeling of.. commiseration? I mean, I'm not that heartless to not feel compassion towards someone I know I've hurt.. unintentionally.

I brought my arm over my face to cover my eyes and started thinking about a certain cat eyed girl who I feel like I've neglected for the past days. Not that I've got any obligation towards her to feel the need and say that I've neglected her. I just haven't.. thought about her which is kind of strange. Ever since I've seen her almost two months ago, she never left my mind. Or ever since I have realized I was in love with her. But then, I was so consumed on my contract expiration with Yuna which was odd. It's not that I'm not concerned or worried about her though. I just.. I'm so perplexed to the point that I want to tip my hair out as if it would answer my own misery right now.

I hastily got up and slapped myself for a few times. Lee Chaeryeong, you dummy. You're in love with Hwang Yeji. Shin Yuna and you are over. You can't go back to your words. Not to mention you're still at the GFC and you have to face the wrath of the president. I haven't visited the corporation since I unleashed my inner demon and fought back with the president. I sighed heavily before going into the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower, I proceeded downstairs where I saw Ryujin already dressed up and ready to go. I sometimes forget that I'm sharing this apartment with her since she's usually with her own house with Zeph and her sister. Or she's at Yuna's. Ryujin looked up to me as I descended the stairs.

"How are you feeling?" Ryujin asked creasing her eyebrows.

"Fine." I answered with a sigh. I sat down on a single sofa and motioned for her to sit for a minute. "If you still have time. Can we talk?" I added politely. After what happened between Yeji and I, it hasn't been the same for me. I sometimes couldn't bring myself to look her in the eye, ask for some advice, or demand anything from her like before. It even seemed like Ryujin was the one to reach out to me when I'm going through something.

"What is it?" She softly asked as she sat down. "Is it about Yuna?" I raised an eyebrow at her question.

"No. It's actually about.. the  corporation." I cleared my throat and searched for any slip up on her reaction. There was nothing. She just intently looked at me and waited for me to continue. "I'm planning to quit."

"So the president told me." I felt my eyes widened in surprise. Why would the president tell Ryujin that herself? Wait. Are they that close? I mean, I've always known that the corporation gives the most importance to Ryujin because she brings the most income in the company. But.. "She also told me that you were planning to drag me out of there and I wanna know why? What makes you think that I wanted to leave in the first place? The corporation helped me a lot over the years. And you know how much it would cost if we ever leave." I internally rolled my eyes. Over the past years, Ryujin became a stringed puppet of the corporation. Just because they helped her with financial support which was their responsibility in the first place. I couldn't help but think that Ryujin actually worships that goddamn company.

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