Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Four

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GFC Forty Four

Lia's Point of View..

"Are you really going to leave without talking to Jin Unnie?" Yuna asked for the nth time today. After Ryujin walked me to the clinic yesterday, I haven't heard from her. I mean, a single text saying that, 'I won't be able to fetch you and walk you home. I'm sorry', doesn't count. She didn't even told me the reason why she can't even visit me at the clinic and just last night, Mom told me to go home for the preparations for my birthday celebration tomorrow. I know I'm being shallow and narrow-minded but, she could have at least told me even just a tiny bit of an information where she was going and what's the emergency that she have to break her straight attendance of fetching and walking me home on a daily basis for the past two months. I know I'm childish.

And also, Chaeryeongie simply told me yesterday that she has to take Zeph home on Ryujin's orders. The child looked a bit upset but she seemed to understand the situation too well and bidder her goodbye; kissing me and Yuna on the  cheeks and hugged us both. She's literally the sweetest. I was tempted to ask her if she knew what was going on but Chaeryeongie looked genuinely confused just as well. I've gone home a little bit past five after the nurse tended on my 'injured' foot and put some ointment and bandages over my bruised ankle. The nurse came slightly after Shuhua and Soojin left. And I think I would get a constant nagging and scolding from Mom when she find out about my foot. She's going to be so hysterical about it like I'm bed ridden and have less than two hours left before I die.

Anyway, Yuna's question made me frown. I wanted to send a single text message informing her about my plans today but, do I seriously have to? Was that really necessary? She's invited on my birthday and she will eventually show up tomorrow on the party. I have nothing to worry about. I mean, I'm concerned why she was so out of it yesterday but now, I decided that she can handle it herself. She's a grown ass woman who can deal with her problems on her own for Pete's sake. Then why am I so upset about it?! Ugh. Lia, you seriously have to get your shit together.

"I will tell her once I arrived on our house." I answered as I shut the door of the back seat containing some of my things. And of course, I can't forget about Bella. Yuna has a love and hate relationship with the fur ball started when the dog bit her precious slippers. I can't trust her with taking care of my dog. Because I know that she won't even bother on doing so.

"Why are you so early though? It's not even 6 in the morning." Yuna asked again after yawning. Why was she so early too? I didn't even woke her up and now she's bombarding me with questions.

"Mom told me to get there early." I answered honestly. In Mom's dictionary, 8 am is already noon. So another added scolding for my nonexistent 'punctuality' once I get there. Great. I overslept thinking about that gray head's dumbass. Cursing her while rolling around my bed until I fell asleep.. on God knows what time. I'm still sleepy so wish me luck on driving on my state. Let's just hope that I'll get there unscratched.

"You're a day early on your birthday, babe. There's no way in Bermuda triangle that she'll be mad if you get a proper breakfast first before going home." Yuna voiced out her 'concern'.

"If I know, you're only concerned about not having a proper breakfast instead. Don't worry, I've cooked for you so don't be too upset about me, leaving this early." I sarcastically answered as I saw Yuna's eyes lit up but masked it up with a frown just right after. Geez. I just know her too well.

"Psh. I'm worried about you too! Though you're right about my breakfast." She snorted and put her arm over my shoulder. "I woke up early because Mom called me early this morning that they have a business trip to Singapore and won't be able to attend your party. They sent their gifts on your family house though so don't worry. Maybe I'll be right there this afternoon with Chaeryeongie too. Who knows, maybe with Jin Unnie too so you can stop sulking already." Yuna giggled unbothered by my discomfort. I found myself rolling my eyes at the mention of Ryujin's name again.

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