They exploded into the ranks of the fae. They continued charging around the fiery rock. Nesta roared, "HOLD!" The soldiers were restless, some dared move an inch. "HOLD!" They were 200 paces away. "HOLD!" She screamed again. 

They stepped in the wrong spot. The rigged explosives blew. It took out a good two hundred people a blast. I roared, "ARCHERS!" My archers had there orders and fired their shots respectively, as ordered. I aimed for one of the Commander's, the other had been blown in the blasts. I fired, the bastard swiped my damn arrow out of the sky. 

"Sector two aim for the Commander!" I shout to my ranks. We sector two and I aimed for the Commander again. Ash arrows knocked we all fired simultaneously at the Commander. An arrow finally found itself imbedded in his chest.  

Nesta roared and her forces through themselves into the mix. The archers covered everyone as best they could. Nesta ran, hard. She sheathed her sword and shield across her back. I have seen her kill a thousand times, more. yet it always reminds me of her dancing, one step could collapse your knees and ruin the whole performance. She scooped up a heavy iron spear from the dirt. Her entire body moved with the throw as she took down the fae male that had to be four times her size. 

No dared pause to see her dance, her beautiful dance of death. No one dared stop, not until the field was filled with no one but our own soldiers on the field. I would paint her, I would paint her in her blood and glory. And the two thousand fae soldiers that lay dead on it.

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Stalking into the manor with blood, dirt and sweat covering you was definitely not a good idea. Nesta and I both ducked into our respective rooms before Kana could catch us. I bathed quickly, taking a moment to truly bother how my hair looked. We'd be having a family dinner tonight with Pa. he had just gotten back from a  merchant's council so he'd probably have information that Kana could use. 

Glancing around my room, I realized how much Kana truly knew about us. She designed the new manor for us all, steps large enough so that a giant fae male's feet wouldn't inch of the stairs. An art studio attached to my room. All of our room's over looked Elain's beautiful gardening. 

Nesta had a mini library attached to her room. Kana had a small room off the side of her room, one that held a table with a map of all of the world. Kana once told me it was a magical map that could even see towns warded for over five thousand years. It was very specific, Nesta guessed that their was a safe place like that. Somewhere in the world. 

I scooped up a paint pallet, my brushes were already laid out next to my easel. I sighed and swirled the paints around until I had the blend of gray that I liked. Nesta knocked on my door and let herself in. She stood in the door way and watched as I swirled the final details of sky into place. 

"What is it?" Nesta tried to strike conversation. I sighed and set the end tip of the paint brush on my jaw. "I don't know, I dreamt about it a few nights ago. I haven't been able to forget about it so I painted it." 

"The scenery is pretty." Nesta said flatly. It was, I wanted to know if any place could compare to it. A city, that glowed like the stars at night. I had two bird flying in the sky even though they were a bit big. The background it had a smaller looking mountain, with lights dotted about the top. Behind it was a bigger mountain with three stars that pointed out the top of the peak. Two other mountains were on each side of the tallest mountain.

It was a fairytale. A place that happy didn't exist. We all could dream though, yet it never made a difference. Nesta said softly, disrupting my thoughts, "Dinner is ready." 

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