He let out an exasperated sigh. "I want nothing to do with this town. I did what felt right for me."

"You willingly gave the town to Bill Hastings..." Emma started to argue.

"And what is wrong with that?" A female voice asked.

Emma turned to face Adelaide, who was walking towards Emma and Jay. Liam was by her side.

"This is a private conversation between friends." Emma sneered.

"It seems like it regards my father." Adelaide stated with squinted eyes and folded arms.

"Like I said, it is a private conversation.." Emma said.

Adelaide took a step towards Emma and stared her down.
"You will not talk ill of my father while I'm around." She warned. Her eyes shifted to Jay. "This town is lucky to have him, unlike your parents who intentionally harm children."

Emma balled her hands into fists but she felt Jay pull her back.
"Watch your mouth!" She warned. "Nobody even likes you or your family."

"Funny. I can say the exact same thing about you and yours." Adelaide remarked with a smirk.

"That's enough!" Liam interrupted. He grabbed Adelaide by the arm and walked off with her.

Emma was beyond angry. Her nostrils were flaring and she wanted to scream.
"What a little..." she started but stopped herself. She was better than this. She could not let Adelaide get in her head.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked.
Emma nodded though her blood was still boiling. "How could she even say that?"

"Well.. she wasn't lying." Jay stated. His face held no emotion.
After what Lori did and Emma's failed attempt to cover it up, people did start to dislike her because of those actions. Even if she did not want to admit or see it.

"Connor told me that you want us talk to the school to give him a chance to return." Jay stated.

"Yeah. What do you think?" Emma asked. She was nervous about doing it but if she had back up, she would feel much better.

Jay nodded. "Let's do it."

Emma smiled just as the bell went off. She and Jay headed to English class.


When lunch time approached, Emma received a text from Marcus telling her to meet him outside. He was seated in the cargo bed of his truck with burgers and milkshakes.
"I was not in the mood for that cafeteria crap so I went to get us some diner food." He said with a big smile.

Emma could not help but giggle and blush. She loved the effort that her boyfriend was putting in. "You have no idea how happy this makes me." She expressed as she climbed onto the truck.

"Look at you two." Josslyn said approaching them. Peter was also with her.

"What are you guys doing here?" Emma asked. She kind of wanted alone time with Marcus but she knew that was not going to happen.

"Marcus texted us saying he got burgers and shakes. That is an offer we could not refuse." Peter said as he climbed onto the truck, Josslyn behind him.

The foursome relaxed and started eating their food.
"Wow, I cannot believe you two are a thing." Josslyn stated. "Like I did not think you guys would get together especially after denying it to my face."

Emma felt a little embarrassed but she thought that was the right move then.
"I actually already knew. They were sneaking around after dark." Peter said nonchalantly.
Emma could not help the playful eyeroll.
"It was time. I have to enjoy my last year of high school."

"Poor Liam." Peter commented causing his three friends to look at him.

"What about him?" Emma asked with slight worry.

"This should be hard for him. Seeing his girlfriend move on after two weeks of the break up." Peter explained.

Emma felt guilt wash over her. She saw Liam in the morning and by then, he was not aware that Emma and Marcus were official.
"Have any of you spoken to him today?" She asked.

Both Josslyn and Peter shook their heads.

"I am sure he is fine." Marcus said. Emma hoped that was true but she was fooling herself to believe that Liam was going to be okay with this.

"Yeah, look at me. Connor and I broke up the beginning of last week and I am great." Josslyn shrugged.
The mention of Connor's name made Emma tense up. She promised him she would file an appeal with the school and she was yet to do that. Plus, she did not know how Josslyn would react.

Emma decided to speak up. She had to tell her friends and give them a heads up. She felt her appetite fade as fear took over her.
"Uhm..speaking of Connor.. I-I-.. I am gonna ask the school to reconsider his punishment."

"The hell you are!" Josslyn opposed immediately.
"Why would you even do that?" Marcus asked. Emma still never got a chance to tell him the truth. She was going to have to eventually.

In that moment as her friends and boyfriend stared her down, she felt herself shrink. She did not want to say anything anymore.
"Look. I know he hurt all of us but I think he deserves to finish his school year." She explained. "You don't have to forgive him.."

"Does that mean you did? Emma, he tried to frame Jay for rape and then threatened you to stay quiet. Why would you forgive that?" Josslyn questioned.

Emma was on the verge of confessing that Connor never blackmailed her. Maybe that would reduce the hate toward him.
"We know Connor and he made a mistake getting involved with Ray. Should we really use this as the thing that condemns him to hell?"


"Maybe Emma is right. Connor has always been here for us. He was willing to risk his life for me that day when the hyenas attacked me at the lagoon. He can't be that bad of a guy right?" Peter asked.

Josslyn rolled her eyes. "Screw the both of you.. and Connor." She spat and climbed off of the truck.
Emma closed her eyes, disappointed. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid.

"I'll go talk to her." Peter said and left.

Emma did not know what else to do because had she not told Josslyn and the information came out later, she still would have been angry. Probably even worse than now.

"I do not believe that my girlfriend who despises Adelaide for merely being Liam's ex, would forgive Connor whose offense is way bigger." Marcus stated.

Emma ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She wanted to tell Marcus the truth but it was so much harder to say, especially since she knew the shit Connor did but told no one. This would not be a good look on her.

Summerville: Book 3 of the Saving Summers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now