Chapter Twenty Nine

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Dinner was fun. Andrea didn't get the hints at all, and kept flirting with Chad. She wanted to know everything. Where he was, what he did. It riled Dimmi up in a bad way.

The woman got so obnoxious that even Elle's eyes grew.

Before dessert got served, Dimmi had to go to the ladies' room.

"I'm quickly going to the loo." She got up, bent down, and kissed Chad. The entire table grew silent. And then she shuffled past his chair and left.

She had to pee, she'd been keeping it in for a long time. Hopefully, Andrea would get that hint.

When she got back, the flirting with Chad completely stopped.

After dinner, they went to watch the production. Dimmi could never sit this still and from the way Chad shifted in the chair next to her, neither could he.

"I'm going to fall asleep."

"Me too. This is boring," Chad whispered back.

"Then let's go."

Chad bent over Theo, who sat next to Elle to speak to his mom as Dimmi ran out of the theater before she had to answer her mother's stares.

They went to the bar, and the same barman that taught Chad that disgusting phrase worked behind the counter.

They sat and chatted to him.

"No, he said it perfectly. Seriously," Dimmi said.

"He couldn't say the other one," the bartender, Andre, said.

"Which was?"

He told Dimmi the making love version. Chad tried to follow him, and Dimmi laughed. "That would've impressed me if you told me that."

"Aren't you guys watching the show?"

"Dude, I can't even sit through a movie," Dimmi said. "Not to talk about a show. Heck no."

They carried on drinking and laughed as Dimmi entertained the barman and Chad. Now she was having a great time.

When the show finished, Mari looked surprised to see Chad and Dimmi sitting at the bar, having a long discussion with the barman.

Theo just stared at Dimmi.

Dimmi raised her eyes. She knew what was going through her sister's mind. She thought she would've shagged Chad already in their room.

The three of them went to the dance club as Chad's mom reminded him of the midnight buffet tonight, up on the Ocean View Cafe.

"I'll meet you there, promise."

"Okay, enjoy."

They partied, danced and had drinks at the bar, partied some more, laughed some more.

Chad was a great entertainer and had already a group of people surrounding him at the bar, laughing and enjoying their time.

Dimmi was with Theo dancing near the speakers. The lights flashed blue and purple on the ocean of dark silhouettes.

Theo stepped closer to Dimmi. "So are you going to give him something tonight, Dimmi?"

"You said it should come naturally. If it happens, it happens. If not, then sorry."

"What did the guy teach him?"

"It's disgusting. The word that I hate with a passion."

Theo threw her head back and laughed as she repeated it, and Dimmi covered her mouth. "It's disgusting, Theo."

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