Start from the beginning

"I have lunch booked," I told them.

"Okay, next time. Arrivederci bitches!"

"Bye!" Jo and I chorused, Renee hung up.

"Now, Jo don't tell me you came here to check up on me, I would appreciate it but we both know you are beyond that."

"No, I need a favor." Jo sat down across me.

"I'm listening."

"I need intel on Shawn Ryan."

"Are you mad?" I asked calmly and crossed my leg. "You want me to expose confidential matters about one of my biggest clients to you, of which in the long run will affect my business?"

"When you put it like that, I sound bad. But no, it is not Shawn, it's the people around him that'll get affected. I'm working on a story and I have everything else I need, Shawn is just missing piece."

"It's a No."

"Ellen, we've done this countless times. Besides, these men need to be brought to light for their crimes."

"At the expense of my business? Bullshit! That is not my concern, I don't care!"

"But I do!" Jo countered, "every other time you helped me, so you care too."

"Your point is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I have no point, I just need you to help me. Listen to what I said, it won't affect you in any way, only the people around Shawn that will be affected he won't be, and you are not connected to those people either..."

I closed my eyes and took in deep breaths. "Jo, I've been having a splendid day and I need it. I haven't had one of those since I can remember so I want it to continue like that. Therefore, we shall leave it on I will think about it."

"Great!" Jo jumped off her chair, "thank you! You're the best, I feel better now you've agreed."

"I said I'll think about it, no guarantees."

"Same thing!"

I sighed and gave up. "If that'll be all, you are welcome to leave. If you want to stay, be my guest. The coffee is already cold."

"Fine, I'll leave." Jo whizzed and went to the elevator, she pressed the button and turned to me. "You know, you are one sassy bitch. You have an entire oak tree up your ass," Jo shook her head. "Enjoy the rest of your day Ellen!" Jo sing sang.

I chuckled and shook my head, "love you too! Have a good day!"


Knock knock knock

I stood outside the doctor's office waiting for her to let me in.

"I'm Coming!" I heard from inside.

After taking her time, the door swung open. "Ellen? You are early, like ten minutes. This is astounded as well as odd." Doctor Paige commended.

"Well, I'm here. Should I come in?" I didn't wait for her reply and started in but halted. "Instead, how about a change of environment, do you want to grab a drink?"

"Your treat?"


"Let me get my keys."

I laughed and left to wait for her in the car. After a while, Doc came.

We went for gelato, placed our order, and took a table in front of the store.

"Someone seems happy today," the doctor started.

"Who?" I played dumb. She gazed at me to speak. I chuckled and shrugged, "eh!"

"Should I ask why?" She wondered.

"I've tried to see the reasons behind it but failed countless times."

"Okay. But it is good though?"

"It is rather rare and would be good to know why."

"In that case, let's check back and find out."

"Okay." I nodded, leaned back, and crossed my leg.

"When did you start feeling...'happy'?" The doctor asked. Through Doctor Paige's slightly furrowed brow and darting eyes, I observed that this isn't her 'normal' patient issues neither ia it the path which her usual sessions towed and she was confused about all of it...

"It started this morning but I think I saw the symptoms when I went to that ball with Donald." I thought about it again and nodded.

"Wait. You went to a ball with Donald?!" Doctor Paige's voice increased an octave.

"Doctor! Way off-topic!"

"Okay," she shook her head and I saw a faint smile on her face. "What do you think is the cause?"

"That's the point doc, I. Don't. Know!"

"In your normal activities what was that different thing that we could say changed the situation?"

"That would be Donald. Since he came into the picture, nothing has been the same."

"In a good way or bad?"

"Now you've stated it, I tend to think of it as wrong and would want it to be in a bad way but no, it indeed is good."

"So in all, what you're saying is that Donald makes you happy."

Looking at the doctor, I felt she was either crazy or took the wrong medicine this morning, but I shook my head, "happy is a strong word, you won't help me with that."

I leaned closer to her, "I've been thinking and haven't come up with anything useful. Last night, Donald and I know what I mean, and I'm confused. For a while, I've only slept with random guys that usually disappear the next morning. But Donald is no random guy. There ain't no getting rid of him. So what next?!"

This time, doctor Paige, gave me the crazy look and didn't speak. "Earth to the doctor?!" I waved a hand in front of her and she blinked fast.

"Um, you and Donald?... That's progress!"

"That is beside the point, you missed it again!"

"That's huge progress! I'm so happy, we can finally get this over with!"

Just like that, the doctor was gone again. Due to the long, long time I've been with Doctor Paige, I gained a friend but lost my therapist.
And was I right when I said she would be of no assistance?

I sighed and slumped back into my chair.

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