In her hurry, she packed all her presents which she had yet to open a few clothes she didn't want with her anymore.

Remus had requested Dumbledore to let Dora go home for two days, seeing as she would not be coming for the Christmas break.

Thanking Dumbledore, Dora flooed her way to her house.

"Miss!" She heard Mipsy squeal as soon as she stepped out of the fireplace.

Dora was happy to be home. Away from the groaning, noisy people for sometime.

"Lia" she heard Remus coming in the parlour.

"Remmy" she smiled, hugging him lightly.

"How are you. And happy birthday" he yelled a little.

"I'm as good as I can be" Dora said mischievously.

Remus with a lot of help from Mipsy and Billy had thrown Dora a small birthday celebration. There were filibuster's fireworks all around the kitchen.

"This is amazing" she giggled.

Dora received a few gifts more from Mipsy and Billy. They were edibles but made with love.

She got her gown for the upcoming Yule Ball that McGonagall had informed everyone about. But quite a few knew already.

"It's beautiful" she breathed, looking at the pale pink-peach gown.

"He said he wanted you to always have some colour in your clothing." Remus told Dora smiling, referring to what Lazarus must've said when choosing the gown.

The two spent the day talking about everything and nothing. A few serious conversations but rest was very light hearted.

"So it could be that Voldemort fooled Bertha into telling him all about the tri-wizard and sent someone to put Harry's name in it. But even if that's true.... what would he gain? The challenges are being supervised by Dumbledore and taking place at Hogwarts grounds. He can't possibly hurt Harry.... and he can't exactly lure Harry out of Hogwarts."
Dora frowned.

"Yes, when you think of it like that. But whoever did it, knew there were high chances of Harry getting killed" Remus added.

"Well don't worry yourself much. Dumbledore is keeping a close watch as you said" he ruffled her hair, "So, have you been out with Harry yet?" He asked laughing.

"Remus- what" she gaped at him, "No. Of course not. Never"

Chuckling he muttered something that sounded like 'like Lily' and some gibberish.


Harry was ready to take on the Hungarian Horntail again if he could rather than looking for a partner.

He had his eyes set on someone, but he couldn't find here anywhere. Only for Cedric to inform him that she had gone back.

By the time Harry saw Cordelia again, he had already turned down three girls.

Ron, Dean, Seamus taunted him for that constantly.

They only like him because he's famous. Hermione's words rang in his ear.

Cordelia had entered the common room 2 days after disappearing. Harry was happy to see the grey eyed beauty again.

It was during dinner when Harry plucked up some courage, for this what not to be taken lightly- he had to dance in front of the whole school.

"Lia" he smiled, sitting down beside her, "Where were you for the past days. I was looking for you." He sighed.

"Home" she said. Eyeing  Harry's arm which yet had a sling around it.

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