Chapter 44 - Walking

Start from the beginning

"Romeo..." I began, beginning to cry from anger. "I'm trying as hard as I can right now. I'm going through so much that you don't know about, and on top of that my foot hurts like hell for no reason. I'm trying, and that's all I can do for now." Jack smiled a little as I spoke, clearly happy I stood up for myself. Romeo stared back at me, still surprised.

"What could you be going through that makes you walk slow?" He asked, looking to Jack.

"It doesn't matter what he's going through. Just back off." Jack defended, stepping in front of me. 

"Whatever," Romeo said, walking away from us. Jack turned to me, wiping my face dry. 

"You okay?" He asked, speaking quietly.

"Mhm, let's just go," I said, and thankfully neither him or Race pushed me any further.

We went on as normal, waiting patiently at the gate for the Delancey's to let us in. Race, Jack, and I talked for a while, Davey and Les eventually joining in. Finally, Oscar and Morris came to the gate, spitting insults at everyone. We made sure to stay out of it, not wanting either of them to do anything to us. As we walked past them, Morris scowled at me, causing fear to come over me. 

"The fuck are you looking at?!" He then spat, shoving me down to the ground. He then stomped on my foot as hard as he could, causing me to scream in horror at the level of pain that shot through me. Commotion erupted right away, and I desperately tried to calm my breathing. Somehow, he managed to get in one more stomp, only making me feel worse. I had closed my eyes tight as though it'd help me, hearing Jack rush to my side.

"Shit," he mumbled, likely looking at my foot to see if Morris's shoes cut it or anything. "Squeeze my hand," I felt Jack's hand in mine, and did as he said. 

"Fuck," I whispered as a sharp wave hit me, making me squeeze Jack's hand extremely hard. "Sorry," I added, feeling bad.

"There's nothing to say sorry for, just hold tight," he said, helping me feel better about it. 

"It hurts so bad, I feel like I can't breathe," I ignored everything that was going on around us, knowing that everyone was probably tussling with Oscar and Morris.

"Tell me how it feels from one to ten, ten being the worst," I thought for a moment, trying to remember the worst it had ever felt.

"Uh, nine-" I answered, having to clench my jaw as a second wave hit me. I started to feel overwhelmed because of all the noise, only making me panic more. "I need to get out of here," I finally looked at Jack, trying to communicate how scared I was by just looking at him. 

"Race, help me get him to an alley," Jack said, and before I knew it the two put my arms around them, holding most my weight.

We sat down in the closest alleyway, both of them staying quiet while I prayed for the pain to lessen. I could feel their eyes on me, wishing they could do something more. I wasn't improving, which only made Jack more worried.

"I just want it to stop," I sobbed, not thinking about how it'd upset the two.

"It will," Jack tried, unsure of what else he could say.

"I thought that everything would go back to normal today, that I'd be back to selling finally, but now I'm fucking here," I looked at Jack, the pain still not getting better.

"It will tomorrow," he said, smiling kindly like always. 

"It's just... It's so frustrating," I began, stopping myself before I started ranting.

"What is?" Race asked, and I shook my head.

"Nevermind, I really don't want to talk about it," I mumbled, looking down.

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