Rebecca & Howard

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Being thirty eight weeks pregnant is exhausting. Bucky follows me around everywhere I go thinking I could hurt myself or pop at any minute. I have slowed down my work with Shuri since I tend to knock things over with this massive belly.

Since I get to about thirty weeks, we started staying full time at Wakanda. This way Shuri could keep an eye on my health and they babies. Everyone comes to visit when they aren't on missions or with their own families. Wanda and Vision have really gotten along nicely. I also heard Clint has had his own secret family.

Today was my day off, well off from sitting and watching Shuri do all of the work. I just finished making myself some breakfast. Toast and scrambled eggs were the only things that the two people inside me could agree on. Howard is a kicker but Rebecca is a hitter. They fight all the time and I'm so great full when they finally calm down, mainly when I eat or sleep.

After breakfast, I started working on their room some more. I was preparing for, technically, a natural home birth. It would be in the castle, which used to be my home when I first came here. Shuri had spent time setting things up in my old room so we could stay there till we could take the babies, the very short walk, back home. I really just think it was so Shuri could see them a lot before we secluded them to ourselves.

I packed a few outfits that the team had chosen. Tony bought Howard a shirt that said "better than the original." I don't know if he meant Bucky or the original Howard. I guess that depended on the day. Nat bought Rebecca a onesie that said "bad ass in training." But my favorite was Thor's. He bought them matching onesies that said wolf cubs. It was kinda cute because they all joked about Bucky being the 'White Wolf.'

I packed a few pjs for myself because I know I am not putting on regular clothes after these two come out. I did pack regular outfits for Bucky though. T'Challa gave him as much time off as he needed once the babies were born. It was nice living in this peaceful-

"Well shit."

I was zipping up the bag when I felt liquid flowing down my legs. Then a pain like I never want to feel again. Bucky wasn't far from the house so I waddled my way to the door. He thought something like this would happen so he hung up a bell. I third him he was crazy but now I see he wasn't. I opened the front door and pulled the cord leading to the small dinner type bell.

"Y/N! I'm coming!"

I could see Bucky running over the hill not far from the house. He had a small herd of sheep following him closely. Ayo wasn't far behind him trying to move the sheep away from Bucky. Yeah, they weren't having it. Bucky had found some peace by farming sheep. I'm fine with it plus they are so cute when they're tiny.

"Okay hold on baby. Where's the bag?"

He dashed past me like I was invisible. Before I could blink, he had the duffle back around one arm and was running towards me. He scooped my up bridal style and started running.

"Bucky, darling, I love you. But please slow down. Contractions are already killing me, but you running with me is making it worse."

"Sorry Doll. I'm scared and excited."

He kissed my cheek and slowed down his super soldier like run. I let him speed up in between contractions because it didn't hurt as bad. By the time we got to the palace, Shuri was already waiting. She could see us coming.

She put me in a wheelchair and Bucky wheeled me to my old room. When we finally got up there, the contractions had slowed a little. I was not dialed enough and had to wait. Bucky, Shuri, and Ayo never left my side. Ayo was a little late to the party due to the sheep incident.

T'Challa poked his head in a few times to check in on me. I had given him permission to call the team, allowing them to stay at my place till we were ready to come back home.

The sun was now setting in Wakanda and my body was exhausted. A miserable eight hours of labor made me want to sleep for at least the next two days. But I could peel my eyes away from the sight in front of me: Bucky holding two babies, one in each arm.

He had a smile from ear to ear. We heard a small knock at our door and Shuri picked he head in asking if we wanted to team to join us. She moved in their beds and Bucky sat with me on my bed.

"Hey kiddo! Oh oh my. They're so small!"

Tony rushed in before everyone else. He just had to be first all of the time.

"Tony, darling please wait on us. Oh my god. They are so perfect. Can we have one?"

"No Pepper. Not right now. We have these. That's enough."

Nat followed shortly after Pepper who was followed by Thor and Steve. Banner would wait because he felt uncomfortable around small babies. They were too fragile to him. Clint would wait till they were a few weeks older so his kids could come see them.

Steve hugged Bucky and told him good job. Howard already looked like my brother and Rebecca looked like a small, female Bucky. Everyone stayed till I couldn't stay awake any longer. They stayed in our house for almost a week till we moved back.

My new view never got old. Bucky constantly in love with the two tiny humans we had made. He slept with them on his chest or wrapped in his arms. He ran to their every cry and read to them every night, even though they were still newborns. He loved being a dad and I loved watching him be a dad. This, this was ours. Our home and our safe place.

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