First trimester

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I had to get used to being pregnant. I loved to party with Tony. He was always the tide of the party and I was right there with him. We used to drink a lot more than we should.

Once drunk, Nat and Wanda would sing karaoke with me. Sam would always try to play pranks on me while I was drunk. These never worked out because I always remember what happened after my hangover passed. I would get him back for all the pranks he played on me.

Steve and I would play pool only for me to win. He always insisted he would go easy on me and was letting me win but I know that was a cover for his losses. Thor was always giggling while drunk and man did it have an affect on me. He's say something stupid and laugh like it was the greatest thing he ever heard. Then I couldn't control myself, over him being an idiot, and laugh with him.

Now, I was sober. PAINFULLY sober. Bucky seemed to drink enough for the both of us. He made some dumb ass bet with Sam that he had to drink a beer for each person who congratulated him at parties. By the end of the night, Steve had to help me carry him to bed.

"Uuuhhhhhhh good morning Blue and little chick." I was tucked into Bucky's chest and did not want to get up. He had his hand on my belly rubbing circles with his thumb. He was the only thing keeping me calm right now. I constantly stressed over this baby and he always calmed my nerves.

I went to kiss him but felt very nauseous. I tried to pull away and Bucky threw his arms open. He has figured out when I need to go and be sick. I jumped out of bed and ran to our bathroom. Bucky was following me and got there just in time to pull my hair out of my face.

"Doll, shh shhh. It's okay." I kept puking till my stomach muscles hurt from the sudden actions. I had tears streaming down my face. This was an every morning occurrence now. I haven't made it in the past two weeks without waking up just to puke.

"God I am disgusting. I don't know how you deal with me every morning." He crouched down next to me. He wiped my face with a wash cloth and turned me so I was facing him. He wiped the tears from my face.

"This is part of it. A few days of morning sickness and a lifetime with you and our baby. That is how I deal with it." He kissed my forehead and carried me back to the bedroom. My stomach started to grumble once I curled back up in bed.

"I got it baby. Wanda already sent the message through FRIDAY that breakfast was ready. I can bring you some up. Want some fruit?" I nodded my head and he left. This happens everyday. I get sick then I get hungry. I swear I'm dating a literal angel. He takes such amazing care of me.

I turned on the tv and flipped through Netflix. I started I'm watching criminal minds. Bucky came back a few minutes later with two omelets and a bowl of fresh fruit. We sat and ate for a while and continued to watch tv.

By noon, Bucky was getting antsy. I scooted off his lap and did my best to push that lunk off the bed. He got up and out on some training clothes. He left and I called Shuri.

"Hey girl! How is it going?"

"Oh it's good. I have morning sickness every morning. It's just sickness and then hunger. I swear this is the craziest thing in my life and I'm dating the winter soldier and was born in 1920."

"I can make something to help with that sickness. I know they make medication for it but it doesn't work all the time. My mom used a band that had some soft of technology to help with he sickness. I can try to recreate it if you'd like?"

"Oh thank god. Bucky has been so helpful but for once I don't want him caring for me in the morning. All I do is puke."

We talked about Wakanda for a while. I planned a trip there as soon as she finished the band. We would also do another ultrasound of little baby bean. I hung up the phone and jumped in the shower.

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