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I've been in Wakanda for a month now. I spend my days working with Shuri on her inventions and repairs to her brother's suit. Life was calm here. Except for my night, those were filled or well I was filled with Bucky.

I woke up in my bed and Bucky was gone. This wasn't unusual since he woke up at dawn to help Ayo or do what whatever he was assigned for the day. I got up but felt uneasy. My stomach began to turn.

I ran to the bathroom and vomited all that was left in my system. This for me was normal. I had sickness when I didn't eat enough the night before or back when I had flashbacks too often. My head would spin and my stomach would turn.

After collecting myself, I jumped in the shower. I washed by body and hair till I no longer smelled of vomit. I threw on some clothes and made my way to Shuri's lab. I grabbed a quick bite to eat on my way.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Ready for today?" Shuri was always up before me and never seemed to come wake me. I always offered to get up earlier but her response was always the same: I needed beauty rest.

We worked for a few hours. My stomach still felt queasy but not enough to throw me off my work. I was working on repairing a hole in her brother's suit when it became very hard to stay focused.

I turned to Shuri but she looked a little blurry. Before I knew it, the world around me was black. I woke up a little bit later on one of Shuri's medics tables. I went to sit up but my head spun.

"No no. Stay down. We're finishing the tests. Anddddddd done. Okay I'll help you sit up using the bed. I'm going to go get Bucky, okay?"

"Wait Shuri! Why Bucky? What the hell is going on?" And she was gone. She was the only one in the room so I couldn't ask what was happening.

Bucky entered the room in a rush. He ran by my bed side. Shuri joined him shortly after. She explained how I fainted in the middle of working. She feared it was some kind of mishap again due to my powers.

"You are gonna want to sit down for this Bucky. I ran some tests after her powers and levels came back clean. She's doing amazing in the power department. But you guys need to prepare in the parent department." She told there waving her hands. Bucky looked just as confused as I did.

"I'm sorry what? I'm very confused what you are trying to say?"

"Bucky, Y/N is pregnant. She's about six weeks pregnant. I'm guessing you've been sick recently and haven't told me or fainting was your first symptom."

"I'm sorry. You're looking at me all excited but I think it's because you're joking. She's joking right? Pregnant?" Bucky squeezed my hand. He had a panicked look rush over his face. In that moment, I am sure I did too.

"Congratulations! And now not a joke. I can show you the test if you'd like? It's a blood test which came back positive, twice." She pulled up both results. My eyes grew wide and my mouth dropped open.

"I'm gonna give you two a minute." She stepped outside and Bucky's hand gripped mine tighter. I shifted in bed uncomfortably. This isn't supposed to happen. We are super humans who are supposed to help save the world.

"I- I want to say sorry but I don't know if that covers it. I know this wasn't in any plans." I had tears streaming from my eyes at this point. I felt sick again but couldn't bring myself to vomit.

"I'm going to be a dad." He sat there in complete shock. He stood up and a smile crept across his face.

"I'm going to be a dad! I - I never thought I would be. I mean not after falling off a train and hydra. I gave up on my dreams from before war. Y/N I'm going to be a dad!"

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