I Could Write A Book

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"Blue bird?" I was shocked by the name. My powers were blue and it kinda matched. He had already given me a nickname for how I helped him. It was sweet.

"Yeah. When Howard taught you to fly, you practiced on his first plane, Blue Bird. You loved it so much that he basically gave it to you. I called you blue bird because I didn't know your name when we first met but I knew the plane. You've always been my blue bird." Then it hit me.

*FLASHBACK* (Bucky's)
"Howard? Who is the girl taking your plane? I didn't know you let anyone use that old thing." Hoard just laughed.

"That's my sister." He walked away. He didn't give a name or anything. The only way I knew to find her was the name on his famous plane, Blue Bird.

"That night when Peggy introduced you, I called you blue bird. You probably don't remember it. I don't even know if you truly heard me because you didn't react. But I've called you it when I wanted to say how much I cared for you." He pulled me into his chest once again. I felt a tear hit my forehead.

I pulled away to see Bucky crying again. I started to wipe his tears but he stopped me.

"Why are you here doll?" I sat up to face him.

"Bucky, I had my first flashback when I touched you when we dropped you off here. That was months ago. Since then you've been in every flashback since. I can't escape you. I can't escape the love I have or had for you. I can't escape the pain I still feel from you falling from that train." I was crying again. It still hurt me to think of the day I remembered all that pain.

"Y/N, I'm not safe to be around. Hydra still has some control over me." He tried to move away like he would hurt me. I just grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

"I came all this way to see if those feelings were true and you want me to leave?" I was truly hurt. I felt love for this man who I barely knew but knew all too well at the same time. He put his hands on my cheeks once again. Our foreheads were touching and all I could do was cry.

What if he didn't want me here? What if he truly lost those feelings from before? Why would I waste all this time on one man when there is one back home I know cares for me? Why can't I shake these feelings for him?

I was full on sobbing now. Bucky pulled me into him once more. He stroked my hair and rubber my back. He started humming a familiar song. "I Could Write A Book" by Miles Davis. I used to love this song.

"I remember singing this in the kitchen that one night I thought you were asleep. I was too awake and awe struck by you to sleep. I danced around just singing to myself. I felt so over the moon for you in that moment. Then I turned to see you and your bed head in the doorway. You remember our song?" I had calmed a little. This song meant more to me than I could possibly remember.

"I will never forget it or that moment. I knew I was in love with you but in that moment, I was truly and utterly in love. I remember thinking how lucky I was that someone so beautiful could love a simple soldier like me." He smiled at me. A smile I had so missed. He started to him again.

"If they ask me, I could write a book
About the way you walk and whisper and look
I could write a preface on how we met
So the world would never forget
And the simple secret of the plot
Is just to tell them that I love you a lot
Then the world discovers as my book ends
How to make two lovers of friends" His smile grew when I had completely remembered the words. He stood up and held out his hand. I took it and he started humming once again.

We spun around the little hut. He hummed and I sang. We swayed until I felt dizzy. But I didn't want to stop. Why would I? This was what happened in the kitchen. He found me and we danced. We danced for hours to one song that I sang till my throat was dry and sore.

"Y/N Stark. I will always love you. I will love you even if you never truly remember me." He kissed my forehead. He spun me around a few times till I tripped oh his cot.

I fell on top of it and pulled him down with me. We sat there and giggled at each other. Then we stopped. He stared into my eyes and I truly felt at peace. Like all the questions still unanswered didn't matter anymore.

We talked about what we could remember. He told me of Hydra and what had truly happened. He told me things he had never shared with anyone else. He cried a lot. I just held him when he couldn't take the memories anymore.

Before we knew it, sunlight peered through the opening of the tent. We had stayed up all night talking about life, Hydra, us. I felt like I had my life back for a moment.

He pulled me into his chest. I laid there and listened to his heartbeat. I soon fell asleep and I could tell he had already fall asleep.

*Shuri's POV*
I woke up and decided to let Y/N sleep in a little. When it hit nine o'clock, I decided to wake my friend. When I made my way into her room she was gone. I was shocked. I started to search for her.

I looked everywhere I could. The bathroom by her room was empty. The kitchen. The lounge. Then I went back to her room thinking I had missed her somehow. Her phone and belongings were still there. She wouldn't have left all of her things there if she was truly leaving.

Then I looked out her window. I had noticed I put her in a room with a straight line of sight to Bucky's hut. This was unintentional, I promise. I knew she was here to sort out her memories of him.

I was still worried something bad had happened to her but I had this urge, this feeling to check the hut. I left the palace and made my way to the hut.

I slowly opened the flaps to see Y/N and Bucky fast asleep. I have come to know my friend through many phone conversations since she joined the team. I knew she needed this more than ever.

I wanted to preserve this moment for her as long as I could. I called Ayo to the palace. I told her to give Bucky the day off of training. They could both have the day to themselves without anyone bothering them. One of us would always be watching over them just in case something were to happen.

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