Darling and Blue Bird

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"Mm. Good morning doll." I slowly opened my eyes. After all this time his morning voice still got to me. I tilted my head to look at him.

"Good morning darling." I widened my eyes a little bit. He chuckled which sent a wave of happiness through me. I don't call people that. Well I do but just him. He used to love when I called him that.

It all started with a simple argument. I was being hard headed over not wanting to take the new medication. I sarcastically called him darling and it just stuck.

"How did you sleep?" I sat up to where I was straddling him. I rubbed my eyes because the sunlight was just too much right now.

"I slept good. Actually better than I have in a long time. You?" I truly just wanted to go back to sleep. I wanted to lay on his chest and cuddle him all day. I just wanted that moment to be never ending.

"The best I have in a while." He sat up some, which almost threw me off of him. He grabbed my waist and chuckled at my sleepiness.

He leaned closer to me. Our lips were almost touching. He looked down at my lips then looked back into my eyes.

"I don't want to push you if you aren't ready for any of this." He caressed the side of my face. I leaned into his touch and stared deep into his eyes. I leaned forward and sealed the gap between us.

When our lips touched I felt every kiss we had ever shared before. They all lead up to this one. All my feelings for him came forward. My memories came forward. I could remember everything. I remember every second of every day.

I remember falling off my bike and getting the scare on my elbow. I remember when Howard went through our house and messed up all the electrical wires for a new invention. I remember war.

I remember meeting Steve and Bucky for the first time. I remember him shouting Blue Bird after me when he couldn't remember who I was. I remember losing him for the first time till Steve saved him. The sickness, the treatments, us, him dying, Steve crashing, pain, love, I remember it all.

"Bucky. Darling. I remember you. All of you." Tears started to form. I cupped his face with my hands and he smiled at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me so close to him that I could barely breath. I rested my head in the crock of his neck.

"I have waited so long for you to say that. I wondered if I would ever truly see the real you again." I kissed his shoulder, then his neck. I kissed his cheek and we were face to face again.

The next kiss was full of passion. We had missed who we truly were. Who we used to be. Now that would never truly be the same but we were still us. We sat there kissing till we were both out of breath. We only stopped long enough to catch our breath and then we would continue.

~ Warning Adult Content ~

He laid back and we continued to kiss. His hands roamed my body while I played with his hair. He rolled us over. He was now on top of me. We never once broke our kiss.

His new metal arm felt cold on my skin but burned at the same time. He only broke our kiss long enough for confirmation that I was okay with continuing further. I was no longer a shell of a person. I wanted him and I knew why. I knew my feelings.

He removed my shirt and his ragged shirt. I slipped to trace the outside of his metal arm. By the look on his face I could tell it upset him for me to see him like that.

"I love you James Buchanan Barns. This arm, your past, nothing will change that. You're still my darling. I'm still your bird." I kissed his neck and his shoulder. I kissed the scaring around his arm.

He grabbed my face and kissed me one last time before trailing down my neck. We slowly took off what clothes were left. We took our sweet time with each other. He didn't want to hurt me and I didn't want to push his limits.

Our body's became one and moved in sync. Pleasure filled both of us. Every move one of us made just added to it. Very thrust made us push closer. He held on to me and moved so slowly. I enjoyed every second I could.

Once we hit our high, he continued until he couldn't anymore. We laid there breathless. He pulled me to his chest. Our breathing was very shaky and our hearts were pounding.

The rest of the day was filled with more rounds and small naps in between. In the evening, Shuri came to check on us. She was calm and told us our day off to reunite. She told me of how I scared her till she found me here.

She had someone bring us dinner and left us I alone for the rest of the evening. We shared memories of each other. Our favorite moments. He made we feel whole. I felt better than I had in a long time.

He was starting to look like the man I fell in love with in the 40s and less like the broken man I had met while bringing him to Wakanda. He was mine again.

I laid curled up next to him. I felt him drift to sleep for the night. I stared at him for a minute before slowly drifting off to sleep myself.

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