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I woke up on Steve's chest. He was still very much asleep. You checked the clock and realized it was almost nine in the morning. You both never slept this long. You kissed him and he started to stir.

"Mm. Good morning beautiful." His morning voice gave you butterflies. You leaned in to kiss him again. After a few minutes of making out, he was on top of you. You had his hair in your fingers, tugging a little

Then your stomach growled and you both stopped to giggle. He kissed you a few more times before standing up. He puts on his robe and hands you one too.

"Looks like we will have to continue this after some breakfast. Come on. I have to get dressed and I think you should too. Wow. We slept in way too late." He walked out and came back a few moments later in some grey sweats and a tshirt. He handed you one and you put on some running shorts with it. The shirt was big enough to cover your shorts.

You made your way down to the kitchen and Steve made some breakfast. He cooked you both an omelet and some fruit.

"I don't what to know what is going on with you two. I consider my aunt my little sister and that's weird enough. What ever super soldier is sleeping in her bed is the least of my worries right now. We have a mission." Tony spooked you by walking in so suddenly.

You took your plate and joined everyone in the conference room. You sat next to Wanda and Steve sat next to you. You all were waiting on Tony and Bruce.

🔹- Sokovian

🔹"Do I want to know about you two? Don't make me read your mind blue lightening." Wanda taught me sokovian soon after I moved here. We used it to talk to ourselves without anyone listening in.

🔹"Oh a little super soldier booty call. He's sweet and is helping me remember everything. Turns out we had a thing back in the 40s. What can I say, I have to relive old times." We both let out a light giggle and Steve look confused. I patted his leg and at a strawberry off our plate.

Tony came in and Bruce gave us some files. Looking through them proved this was a mission I probably wasn't ready for. I wanted to go so badly but I figured Tony wouldn't let me.

"Okay, so. We have a mission and it won't be the easiest. There is a new hydra base forming and they are going after Bucky. They haven't found him yet due to our friends in Wakanda but I have gotten word that they are getting dangerously close. The mission is two separate ones really. Half of us will take the base and stop them. The other half will go to Wakanda and post up there. Shuri has told me that these people have a camp somewhere outside of the shield and as slowly fighting their way in. Now the nobles and half the army are off doing royal duties which is why they need us."

He paused like he wasn't sure of why we were really needed. I guess Bucky was our responsibility and that's mainly why they needed us. They had the best warriors but still not truly their issue until they got in.

"So teams are assigned and yes Y/N, you can join us. Those going to Wakanda are Y/N, Nat, Sam, Thor, and Steve. Clint, Wanda, Bruce and myself will go to the base. It should be mostly empty and easier for use to get all their information to shut them down. Everyone be careful. Wheels up in an hour. Suit up everyone." Steve and I hurriedly finished our breakfast then went to back quick to go bags.

We got to the jets and I hugged Wanda goodbye. Tony was ready and hurrying everyone to get on the planes. He gave everyone a last goodbye speech and we were off.

Steve and I sat together and Sam kept staring. Him and Nat kept texting each other. I could tell they wanted to know so I looked at Steve and he nodded.

"So bird boy, what's up? Do y'all have a bet going? I can tell you who is winning real quick." Sam just giggled and Nat hit his chest. She shook her head no then laughed some too.

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