"Xerxes" I bobbed my little head, I phased into the wall phasing the objects with me. Pressing my lips together I forced myself to go upwards. I darted through the halls and phased back into my room. Feyre's crying had not eased. 

I set the plate with the sandwiches on the floor. Taking baby Feyre from Nesta again I swayed her as I gave her the bottle. She sucked on it happily. In my opinion she shouldn't be on a bottle at all, but mother refused to let me give her anything else. Elain was already digging into her sandwich. 

Nesta interrogated, "Were you caught."  A yellowish bruise still remained on her arm from where momma gripped her to hard the other day. 

"No," I lied. I was indeed cursed. 

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Mother bought me my first corset earlier. Feyre had celebrated her fifth birthday the other day. One of her front teeth were missing. her dress had shown a barely noticeable scar on her right shoulder. Only I knew where to look for it. Where mother had chucked her off the second story balcony weeks before. 

It had taken most of my magic to heal her in time for her party. She had been so excited for it. Mother apparently had guests that I was most indefinitely not allowed to meet. I stalked phasing through the walls, Feyre had taken to calling me Ghosty. It sadly stuck, but I couldn't be happier we she giggled it. 

I saw my mother in the study. I paused not daring to get closer to. A man, no a male stood across from her. He towered over my mother. Two other boys stood behind the tall male. All three had pointed ears like me. Fae. The 'curse' had apparently been my mother having sex with someone other than my sisters father. 

I was absolutely livid when I found out. The only reason I found out was because I was spying on my mother and father while they were having an argument. "Where the hell is she? That girl is as much mine as she is yours!" He shouted. 

The boys glanced at each other. The one was from years ago, the one who found me in the kitchen. The boy looked directly through the wall at me, I froze. Please, please, please don't let him rat me out to Mother. he winked at me, and glanced back to my mother's conversation with the giant. 

My mother snorted, "I have three girl daughters majesty, my apologies that your grand fae senses are utterly failing you." I frowned. Then blinked, this male. This male was my father. I ran through the wall, I scattered my particles around to make my self almost invisible. My parents continued to argue. I came through the wall and whispered into the kitchen boy's ear. "Meet me in the woods, near the waterfall at dusk." 

The two boys utterly flinched. The one turned to me and waved me back into the wall. I furrowed my brows as I went back into the wall. I snuck up on fae? that was supposed to be impossible. Xerxes. Yes that was kitchen boy's name. 

"Father I do believe we have spent enough time in the presence of this mortal who seems to have nothing to tell us." The King seemed ready to argue, but his eyes glassed over. the returned to normal quickly for no one but his sons to notice. And me. "Very well, let us leave this retched place. Our magic is strange here anyways." 

My mother seemed ready to argue, but my father grabbed his son's and just disappeared. i blinked, and mother had left the room. I gasped through the wall and choked. I ran, ran faster than any normal human should be able to. I popped onto my bed and reopened my book and flipped a hundred pages further than where I was. Good thing I read this book before.

My mother burst into the room. "How is your book darling?" An interrogation. Mother was always shocked to see I knew information I wasn't supposed to have. "Good." 

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