"WHAT DO YOU NOT GET RYLAN?!" I screamed so loud that people that were walking to their cars froze and turned their heads to look at me. "IM DATING YOUR BEST FUCKING FRIEND!" I continued as I turned my gaze away from everyone that had looked our way.

Then once I finally turn my eyes to look back at Rylan's face I realize something. He was pissed. Like beyond pissed. He clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at me. They were even filled with anger.

"HE'S CHEATING ON YOU AURORA, HE ISN'T INTO YOU! HE IS INTO KYLIE!" He trails off with a sigh and breaks his gaze with mine and looks down at the ground as he runs his hands up his face and through his hair. "You are just causing yourself more pain Aurora, why can you see that he's cheating on you, or even that he was only using you to get with Kylie,"

I took a step back as tears started filling in my eyes causing things to get blurry. I know he is right, but Hayden was the first boy to kiss me, to make me happy in a relationship. He's my first boyfriend, since I was the daughter of one of the top mafia gang members.

"My father hates me rylan, I used to be his little girl, but then he started to show his real, and true colours to me. He even hit me if I did the wrong thing. It didn't happen very often, but it did. He was always at work and I was stuck taking care of Mylah starting at the age of 10, I wasn't even allowed to have fucking friends or leave th house. I was locked in my house. My father used to allow me to leave it with my mom, but then eventually she left me alone when I turned ten. Which is why I had to start taking care of her," I paused. Tears were streaming down my face and I began to hyperventilate. So I turned around and kneeled down and put a hand on my chest while I calmed down.

Then after a few minutes I got back up and looked back at Rylan seeing the guilty and pitiful expression on his face.

" Haydens my first boyfriend, first kiss, first everything Rylan. So could you at least understand that, please." I looked down and mumbled, ending what I said with a sigh.

"My first girlfriend cheated on me, I was heartbroken. I never wanted anything to do with any girl again. She was the first girl I trusted sense My mother passed away due to a heart attack caused by my father. Which I may mention I hate, so much. He abused me constantly when No one was around. My mom walked into the room one day when he was beating the living crap out of me because I caught him cheating on my mom with the maid. Then my mother fell to the ground after like 10 minutes of her standing there in surprise. She fainted, so my father rushed her to the hospital and they were gone for hours. Then my father came home without her and tried to beat the living crap out of me, but I ran to my bedroom and locked the door while pulling everything against my bedroom door so he couldn't come in. I was in there for days until I decided to pack a bag and run away, by jumping out of my bedroom window. I have been alone since then, I moved around several times, while living on the streets at first until I made a friend who was about to graduate while I was in 10th grade. He told me he would get me a job and help me get a place to live too, so he did. He Introduced me to multiple people and they even offered to help me. They gave me money and I continued to work until I ended up with billions of dollars in my bank account, and every 2 months Money gets added into it, and I'm now realizing I'm telling you my whole life story,but the point is that I understand Aurora. I understand all of it," Rylan explained, and I felt my anger drift away and A small sad smile appeared on my face. I wiped my tears off my face and sped walk over to Rylan throwing myself into his arms, without him actually hugging me.

Now I feel bad for all of the rudeness. He's been through the same amount of shit as I have, Maybe even worse.

After a few awkwards minutes of hugging Rylan without him hugging me back I felt his huge muscled arms wrap themselves around my neck, while he rested his head against his arms where my collarbone is. A smile was on his face.

"I am sorry I have been such a bitch to you," I mumbled, but Rylan just shook his head 'no' in response.

"I've been sticking my nose where it shouldn't be," Rylan chuckled lightly, it was smooth and honestly it was attractive too.

As I pulled away from the hug I realized something, I had Rylan's car, so whose car is this? Did he rent a car? Or did he steal it?

"Whose car is this?" I asked, while I leaned against the car and looked up at Rylan. He's too tall for my liking. Im fucking 5'7 and I am to his chin. I don't like being shorter than people, He's like 6'1.

"Oh I got a buddy to lend it to me, I just wanted to make sure you were safe," Rylan explained. I just nodded in response and thought about what I'm going to do about Rylan's SUV. " Did it finally run out of gas," Rylan chuckled and pointed to his SUV.

I stood straight up and gasped. The dumb bitch knew It was almost out of gas, and he just let me use the rest of it, what if i got stranded without service.

"You knew?!?" I shouted in surprise, but Rylan just smirked and chuckled.

"Of course I knew, That's another reason I followed you," He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile forming on my lips. Then I lightly slapped Rylan's chest and he dramatically took a step back like I hit him for real.

"Ouch," He groans, still being dramatic.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, which caught Rylan's attention.

"You got yourself into this mess, so you are going to be driving me around town so I can explore the place more," I put my hands on my hips and stated proudly.

"Whatever you say princess,"Rylan rolled his eyes and chuckled, while we both started walking to our side of the car. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he just called me Princess.

From now on I am gonna not be a bitch to him, Well I am gonna try at least. The name calling aint helping with that.

"I'm gonna ignore the fact that you are calling me names that people usually say in relationships or to their kids, and I'm neither of those towards you," Smile fakely and stated as I sat in the Passenger seat.

Rylan got into the driver's seat and rolled down both of our windows so that the wind could flow into the car. As he started driving I started to realize once he told me about his father and stuff my perspective of how I felt about Rylan changed. I no longer feel anger towards him, I'm more calm and understanding, and honestly I feel bad for being such a bitch to him.

"What's wrong?" Rylan asked.

"You know, I aint no damn princess, if anything I'm a damn queen," I stated proudly.

Rylan looked at me for a minute then looked back towards the road rolling his eyes with a small chuckle.




Authors note:

I'm going to try and make the chapters longer :)

How you guys enjoying the story?

Hope you guys are enjoying it :)

Have a good day <3


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