Part 22: Happy

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A/N: I cried writing this chapter, so, I'm sorry in advance.

It was 3 in the morning. Sky was sitting in Tony's lab, working on the suit. She knew Tony would be furious and probably ground her, but she couldn't help it. She loved doing this and every second all she could think about was building the suit and flying it.

She knew Tony would never allow it, but she also knew Tony had a mission coming up in a few days. Sky decided that if she worked while everyone was asleep she's have the general stuff done by the time he left, build it while he's gone and take it for a test drive...or fly.

Her hand carefully moved over the control panel when she heard something drop by the door. Sky stood up from her chair immediately and looked over at Tony who stood in the doorway, disappointment on his face.


"Go to your room. We'll talk about your punishment later." He said, a cold expression as her stared at his daughter and then the screen.

"Dad, I'm sorry—"

"I said go to your room!" He shouted. Sky flinched at the sound of screaming. Tony quieted himself. He knew that Sky didn't like yelling. It reminded her of living with her mom. They stared at each other for a moment before Sky awkwardly walked past him, her arm brushing his.

She walked up to her room. It was silent except for the sound of the air conditioning running through the building. As she made her way into her room, making sure to lock her door she sat on her bed and stared at her door. Why was she so stupid? Why couldn't she just leave the suit alone when he told her to?

Sky hated the silence. She never really thought about it before, but she hated a lot of things about the building. Yes, she loved it and all the things in it, but she hated how all the floors were white. It was all too clean for her. She hated how cold it always was. She hated how high up it was that her windows don't open all the way for safety precautions. She hated that she couldn't hear the cars and people. She knew that was something people complained about, but she liked it.

Sky quickly pulled out a pair of headphones and turned on some music, opened her computer and started planning her date with Pietro. She decided that they should go walk around the city and go out to eat.

The next morning Sky slept in. To be fair she hadn't gotten any sleep until 4 in the morning. She was brutally awaken when Wanda ran into her room and sat on the bed.

"Wake up, I need to talk to you." She said. Sky yawned and sat up slowly.


"Ok, so I heard about last night and I read Tony's mind and I think he is going to ground you or something." Wanda said.

" did you find out about last night?"

"Oh well, Tony was telling Pepper and Natasha heard them, Natasha told Clint who told me." She responded. Sky nodded. She couldn't believe her fight with Tony was Avengers gossip. She sighed and went over to her closet.

"I already know I'm going to get grounded, Wanda." Sky said while picking out her outfit.

"Oh...ok then. I just wanted to let you know." She told her before leaving the room. Sky shook her head and got changed. After changing into her clothes she went down to the kitchen and everybody watched her carefully.

"Someone's in trouble." Pietro mumbled before he kissed the top of Sky's head. She rolled her eyes and pushed him away from her. "Sorry, I'm just joking." He said with a smirk on his face.

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