Part 8: It's my mom

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Sky was sitting in her room reading when the twins walked past. She could hear them talking about her, but tried to ignore it. She didn't care honestly. Maybe if he hated her everything would go back to normal, but that's not what she heard.

"I should just go in there and talk to her. I know she likes me." Pietro said. Sky sighed, hoping Wanda would talk him out of it.

"Pietro you can't just barge into her room. She could be changing." Wanda scolded her brother.

"Well is she changing?"

"No she's reading." Wanda muttered. Suddenly Sky's door flew open and the twins stood in front of her.

"Hey guys." Sky said not looking up from her book. She didn't want to have to look Pietro in the eyes. She noticed that they were just standing there awkwardly. "Do you need something?" Sky asked softly. She still stared at her book.

"Can we come in?" Wanda asked.

"Well since you already burst open the door." Sky told them, still looking up at the book.

"What are you reading?" Pietro asked awkwardly as he walked in the room and leaned against the room.

"Red Queen." Sky responded. She wasn't even reading the book anymore, she just wanted the twins to leave.

"I've never read that."

"Yeah, no duh." Sky said. Her face suddenly became red and shut the book and looked at her feet covered by her fuzzy socks. Pietro smirked slightly, knowing that Sky was starting to really talk to him again. "Sorry."

"So." Wanda said.

"So what did you come here for?" Sky asked awkwardly. Wanda looked at Pietro, waiting for his response.

"Can we talk?" Pietro asked. Sky wasn't expecting that. She should have been, but she hoped that they could just forget about it.

"Uhm, I should probably get ready for dinner actually. Maybe go hang out with Tony for a little." Sky said about to get up from her bed. Wanda tilted her head toward Pietro.

"Please, it's important." He told her. Sky sighed.

"Fine." She mumbled.

"See you two later." Wanda ran out of the door before Sky could beg her to stay. Sky looked after Wanda, still not wanting to look at Pietro.

"So the other night was fun, right?" Pietro said shifting in his stance slightly.


"You had fun with me right?" He continued.

"Yeah sure, it was fun."

"You like me right? You were going to kiss me?" Sky didn't answer him. She didn't know what to even say to that. Did she like him? Was she going to kiss him? Sky honestly didn't know. What she did know was that she had only met Pietro a few weeks ago and they had never had a connection until that one night and that Sky was in no state to be in a relationship.

"Pietro I have to go." Sky quickly got up. "And don't use super speed to stop me because then I'll get really mad at you." She began to walk out the door. Pietro was watching her sadly. He waited until she was down the hall before getting up and walking to the dining room himself.

When he got there he saw Sky sitting down in a chair by herself. She was fiddling with her fingers and staring at the empty table. Pietro sat next to her , but Sky didn't bother to look up at her.

"Hey Sky." He said softly. "I'm sorry." Sky didn't answer him. Who asks someone if they like you or wanted to kiss you? No one.

"You spend one week alone and your already best friends?" Tony said as he walked over to the confused. Sky shrugged, still staring at the table. Tony then turned to Pietro, his eyes glaring at the boy. "Hey Pietro why don't you go see if anyone in the kitchen needs help."

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