Part 4: You hate me

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"She's really gone?" Wanda asked sadly as her and the rest of the avengers sat around the table, passing around the note.

"Yeah...I guess she is." Tony's voice showed no emotion. He thought this was what he wanted. He thought he wanted Sky out of his life, but somehow she had already made such an impact on him.

"Well let's go find her. We can't just let a 16 year old girl roam around New York City." Steve told them. Tony looked torn. He got what he wanted right? "Tony?"

"Look, she doesn't want to be here anymore so maybe I should just let her go." He said.

"Oh my god Tony." Natasha mumbled, letting her head drop into her hands. "Tony come on, this is your kid."

"I know, but she doesn't even want to be here so why force her?"

"Tony she's just a kid." Steve replied.

"Fine, fine let's go find her, but I'm telling you this is the last thing she wants."

Sky didn't have much experience with running away. That was usually her moms job, but she knew a lot about how to survive in difficult situations. She also stole just enough money to get a room at a motel. She hoped she would be able to pay Tony back one day, but she knew he wouldn't even notice that she took anything.

"Hi, I would like a room please." Sky said sweetly to a grey haired lady sitting behind a desk.

"I'm sorry, but are you older than 18?" Sky smiled and nodded. "I'm going to need to see ID." Sky suddenly pulled a card out of her back pocket and handed it to the woman.

"Isabel Dae?" Sky nodded. She may have learned a thing or two about fake ID's. "Alright, here you go." Sky graciously excepted the keys and hurried to her room. Once she got there she let out a deep sigh.

"Yup, the perfect life." Sky muttered under her breath as she laid on her bed. Sky suddenly walked over to the phone in her hotel room and started to put in the number. It went straight to voicemail. "Hey mom," she started, "I know you don't listen to your voicemail, but in case you do, it's me Sky. I'm hoping that you sobered up and realized what you did and you want me back. I know that's not true, but I don't care. Please, please mom, I need you and I just want to come home. You were right, my dads a scumbag, ok fine he wasn't that bad, but I promise you're better because you at least put up with me for 16 years. He couldn't even do it for 3 days. So please mom, if you ever listen to this, just call me and let me come home." Sky hung up the phone and let out a loud sob. She knew her mother would never hear that voicemail, and she wouldn't care either way, but Sky missed having someone. Even if her mother treated her horribly and was never around, at least she was there sometimes. Sky was used to living on her own, but she didn't want to. No one does.

"So we have been tracking all hotels in the city and no one with the name Sky Jones has checked in." Natasha said as she sat in front of the computer. The bright screen reflecting in her eyes.

"No she wouldn't be. She told me her mom had a bunch of fake ID's. Would it be that hard to believe if she had a few of her own as well?" Everyone looked at Tony and he just shrugged. Apparently he was actually listening to her which was a surprise to everyone.

"Does she not have a phone?" Pietro asked.

"No, her mother barely bought her food or clothes. She did not have a phone." Wanda replied sarcastically. Many of the avengers looked at her in shock, but Wanda ignored their looks and went on with scrolling down her computer screen.

"Are you sure there's no way to contact her mother?" Natasha asked seemingly ready to give up.

"What good would that do?" Tony replied harshly. "I doubt that girl would go back to her mother. From the way she explained the situation her mom was an abusive drunk. I think she would rather stay at some hotel. Plus she took like $100 for a room or something."

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