Chapter 5

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If im being honest, im not ok.

I dont want to cry....for help

But im getting tired pretending so well.

I thought i was going steady

But my minds got the best of me.

I dont know why im still here honestly.

This is what depression feels like-Marina Lin

When Louise woke up today, she felt extremely heavy. Her heart felt like it was on the verge of snapping off and falling down on her intestines. Her mind was filled with a thick smoke of emptiness and her body felt extremely heavy. The moment she felt it, she knew today was gonna be a bad day. It took her more time than usual to get out of bed and that meant she had to make breakfast quicker.

She stood up and accidentally stepped on her sister's fingers, thankfully she reacted fast enough not to step so hard and simply squished it a tad bit. She decided to go in the bathroom and check if the week of the month came but there weren't any red spots.

Suddenly Louise heard tiny pangs of droplets hitting the roof of her house, it was raining. Louise cussed and prayed that the rain wont get harder but i guess the Lord took account of the swearing since the rain quickly started to downpour hard.

Louise grabbed the wrench and put on a coat as she quickly went out to turn on the water meter. She pushed against the strong wind and rain, cursing at the fact that her country gets way too many storms every year. By the time she got to the water meter, Rene's chest, arms, and legs were soaking wet. She quickly ran to the house and decided to change her clothes while waiting for the rain to die down.

As minutes pass by, the rain continued to hashly shower. Louise placed an old buiscuit basket in front of the kitchen door because of the leak. She looked at the time and realize that if she didn't cook now, her dad wont have time to eat. She slightly opened the kitchen door and let out a tired sigh. The kitchen was drench and was continuously getting wet.

Like mentioned before, the only kitchen was an outside kitchen that was poorly covered with thin iron plates. The rain was getting in, by the stove, and the tiny holes made by time allowed water to drip in most parts of the kitchen.

The kitchen was 3 inches deeper than the house so the water couldnt seep in the dining room but still it was gonna be hard cooking with oil in this damp hell.

Louise started by making rice and thankfully the rain started to die down. The wind was blowing hard and lead, the drops of water into the kitchen so there still wasn't any difference.

Louise started cooking and as she did, the rain started calming. She was thankful that the rain calmed down but a sudden migraine ran across her head from the tip of her ears to the middle of her head. It continued to throb and Louise winced at the sudden pang in her head.

While her migraine was going on, the rain started hitting hard again and a lucky drop of rain splashed on the oil making a small splash of sizzling hot oil to graze on Louise arm, leg and at the corner of her eye.

Louise hissed in pain as she let go of the spatula which fell on the tip of her big toe and pointy toe. She rubbed the corner of her eye and quickly hopped away while moving her slightly burned foot.

Her kitchen was small and so as Louise jumped away, the small of her back hit something pointy and hard.

Louise arched her back in pain as she held the freshly dabbed part. She looked behind her and felt a shock of fear as she saw the knife facing away from her. The thought of being stabbed if the knife was facing her, somewhat amuse Louise.

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