Chapter 3

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When she was just a girl,

She expected the world.

But it flew away from her reach,

So she ran away in a sleep,

And dreamed a para-para-paradise



Everytime she closed her eyes.

Coldplay- Paradise

The bathroom is like another dimension for Louise, its a place where she could imagine anything she wants. She didnt exactly know why the bathroom but she's been imagining herself in different lives.

Call her crazy but she imagined being the savior with hidden powers finally unleashing it and showing her true potential, an assasin feared by all because of her well-renowned skills and ability to kill, the wife of a big-time mafia boss who protects and loves her with all his heart, and becoming rich wearing different types of clothes—looking beautiful as she imagined her type of beautiful.

To her: thin arms, wide hips, long legs, clear skin, and beautiful hair was beauty for her. Oh! And a better nose. Louise hated her button like nose, but she didnt want people calling her plastic for changing it.

"Gosh what do you do in there that makes you stay for an hour and half" Louise looks at the clock and realized it was 9:32. She entered around eight o'clock.

She simply smiled at her sister and put on some clothes. She looks at the mirror as her frown dug deeper down her face. She was nothing like she wanted to be.

She was a big-boned girl. She had huge arms, chubby legs, and a slight curve on her hips. If she didnt have her noticeable breast, she would be mistaken for a man. But she'd rather be mistaken for a man than a gorilla. She was huge and had hair everywhere.

Her ideal dream of becoming a soft and petite lady would never come true, unless she had a million dollars.

Louise forces herself away from the mirror and decide to sit on her bed while attaching her hair dryer. After hair drying her hair, she looks at her phone and looked through her messages.

Most of Louise's friend dont message her anymore since they know she takes forever to reply. Some still do and most of the time they only do it when needed. It wasnt like this before though. Many people would message Louise before.

They would ask her to join pranks, tiktok trends, simply talk about funny things, or tell their problems. But nowadays, no body seems to ring her phone anymore.
She missed people needing her but she knew that if someone would call her or message her, she still wouldnt change. She would turn her phone ringtone off or take forever to reply and Louise hated herself for it.

Louise scoffed, she hated alot of things about herself.

She saw George message and for some reason she felt guilty. Louise was always there for George and honestly the reason is because he never makes a big fuss about what Louise is going through. She loved it and hated it at the same time. She wanted George to care but at the same time she didnt want him to talk about her issues since it just drags her whole day down.

"Lol ya. Hbu? Did she reply?" Louise knew that George would probably still be asleep since its still nine in the morning but she just wanted to reply before her depressed mentality pulls her away from being social again.

"No she didn't, i just wanted to talk but lol i knew you'd be asleep" he added a good morning message after he sent the first message.

"Good morning to you too, but bro did u even sleep??" Louise knew the answer, she just hoped she wasnt right.


"Your cause of death is ur lack of sleep istg"

"I couldn't sleep, i dont know why Lou but i cant stop thinking about her yesterday and even today. The emotions are so much recently"

"Cause its been around 4-5 weeks George. Maybe its a sign?"

"She could be busy. She's the one in-charge to watch over her grandfather and the store in the province Lou"

"Wasnt it only for a month? Her cousins are probably back there since the field trip is over"

"I guess she just wanted to stay and help more"

Lou sighed. Most, if not all, teenagers use their phones or check their phone. Lou couldnt understand why the girl couldnt give a heads up or a sign. She understood the first 2 weeks but its been a month and a half. Louise definitely knew that she ghosted George.

"Oh George. Just dont hurt yourself bro, remember what i told you"

"Yep. Ive been saying them in my head again and again. Stay neutral"

"Good just stay where you are right now and try distracting yourself. I have alot of netflix shows to recommend if you want to distract yourself"

"Yah no. After you got me hooked up to grey's anatomy, i barely get any chores done" Louise found a huge grin form on her face. But the mention of chores reminded Louise that she had to clean the refrigerator and cut the grass.

"Talking about chores. I have a shit ton to do"

"I know hahhaha. Im already doing good since you replied to me. Do your chores" Louise felt small firework crack inside her. She didnt want anything forming but sometimes she just really couldnt control her emotions.

She simply seen it and left to clean the fridge before she started making lunch. She just cleaned the fridge last week but her siblings were heathens, they had the power to make everything dirty in less than a hour.

As Louise crouched, she also saw alot of trash under the chairs. She sighed since she just vacuumed and cleaned after making breakfast.

The whole day was spent cleaning and Louise was sick of it. She's 17 and everyday all she does is clean and cook.

She takes a half shower and laid on the bed. The bathroom isn't the only place she imagines things. Its also on the bed but its more of ambitions on the bed. Plans and dreams she has of her future.

Becoming an amazing doctor, being a successful farm owner, cafe owner, or bakery. She plans the steps on how she gets there, imagining herself happy in her successful buisness. Her buying the things she always wanted, getting the dream house she wanted, buying her dad's dream car, and paying for each of her sisters dream classes: dance, piano, ice-skating, or ballet. The thoughts made her smile but as a few hours past and as her eyes fall asleep, she realizes that everyday she feels farther away from her dream.

She didn't know why but at the end of the day, something inside told her that her ambitions will never come true. Not a single one of her dreams will come true and that inside feeling was damn sure about it.

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