Izuku's POV

I was just exchanging glances with Chifu as she shot furious glares at Hawks and me. He just stood there, as relaxed as ever, almost leaning onto the wall with his hands in his pockets and a goofy smile. 

"Do you find something funny, Hawks?!" Chifu suddenly snapped. 

"I... thought the rest of the Commission will be here too", he shrugged his shoulders easily.

"So you can charm your way out, huh?" she replied instantly. 

"Well... not exactly. Wouldn't leave my buddy just hangin' here."

"You're a disgrace. Both of you. Deku!"

I jumped up, feeling my hands shake at the sound of her voice. She was way too terrifying for me to be able to keep my cool. 

"Any comments on what you have done?" she said with a poisonous smile. 

"I..." I stuttered.

"I thought so. You're a coward. Taken away by the moment, by a chick, forgetting everything you fought for so intensely. I had hopes for you. Not everyone makes it to the first spot at the age of 22", Chifu said coldly. 

"Ma'am, he's a good guy, I'm sure he wouldn't..." Hawks began, his gaze darkening. 

"Shut up. You are just as guilty as he is. You knew about it all, and instead of notifying us, you decided to form a little team to help him out! Criminals", she hissed. 

"Well now, excuse me!" I yelled.

I was raging. Hawks did nothing at all to deserve such an attitude towards him. He knew about it, yes, but I asked him not to tell anyone. He was only being a good friend.

"Hawks is not to be blamed! It is solely my fault!" I shouted.

Chifu stepped back a few steps towards her desk, but still staring angrily into my eyes.

"And you know what? I. Do. Not. Regret. A. Thing. I. Did!" I went on.

"Midoriya!" Hawks elbowed me in panic.

I am stupid, but it's better than being hypocritic. 

"I would do it again. Being a hero is something I appreciate very, very much. But I love Alex. When you're in love, it's not just about the person being on your mind and in your heart. Love takes all of you! You entire body! Once it's there, it spreads like a flood, taking over your blood, your flesh, your bones, your skin - everything! Alex is a part of me, truly. Living without her wouldn't be living at all. It would be like a suicide. She is not just a 'chick', as you put it. She is the person I would die for, right here and right now! She has the kindness I've never seen anywhere in my entire life, the beauty which is indescribable. She is the person who I needed to have a full life. I will do many things to be able to work as a hero again, but I will much rather stay by her side. Being a hero isn't about the quirk or skill; it's about your character. Anyone can be a hero! Not having the title won't stop me from defending people. That's... Hold on. You know what else? I am really sick of thinking of other people. Let me stop it, for just a bit. Just a bit. I have done more than anyone else has for this country. I have defended Japan with everything I had. I locked the entire League up! If that isn't enough, well... I stepped aside of that job, that duty, for a moment, to save the element that keeps me alive. And now my capability to love is held against me?! Now that is disgraceful! There, I said it all", I turned around, feeling dizzy. 

My mind was hazy. I just said everything I had on mind. There was no doubt I'd be done now. Apart yelling at the president of the Commission, I've also just said that I'd literally betray everyone again. 

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now