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Alex's POV

I shivered. It was hot in my room, but I had a fever. I stared at the ceiling from my bed, my eyes making everything look gloomy. I could feel the heat sort of radiating from me. The crack on the ceiling began turning around lightly. I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead with a gulp. I was never really sick so this wasn't what I expected. The entire League seemed to have forgotten about me in general; no-one came around and I think I haven't eaten in two days. I had some water left but I drank it all when I got the fever. It was like a reeducation camp. 

All I knew about the outside was that Izuku was with Toga. At her mercy. I wondered if anyone would notice the change, at least Mei. Izuku knew about Toga's quirk and he should have been more cautious. 

My hair was sticking to my cheeks and I was annoyed by it all. I haven't slept properly in a while, ever since I saw Toga with Izuku; for about a week. I got up slowly and caught on to the bed. If I didn't want to die, I had to call for some water. And at such a moment, I only didn't want it to happen so that I could help Izuku get out of the mess we created. I leaned onto the door and hit it with my foot. It was a weak hit and I gave up before even trying. They'll have to come around some time. 

I turned around and I was flying face first onto the mattress the doors opened. I turned around and saw Dabi. He looked at me disapprovingly. 

"You're sick", he stated. 

"Ya think?" I muttered. 

"Don't talk back to me. Spin, gimme some water!" he shouted. 

I looked around. The only reason I didn't heal myself was so that I could use my quirk in more serious situations. The space between us was big enough so that I could jump at him and attempt to over-heal him. Spinner would be there in a sec and I'd be dead...

I discarded that idea and turned away not to look at Dabi's face. Spinner slipped a bottle of water in the room and speed-walked away. Dabi threw it at me but I resisted the urge to drink it right away. I pretended that it was all unimportant. 

"How do you still work for the League after they found out about your past?" I asked hoarsely. 

"They don't care as long as I help them. And neither do I", he replied. 

"Didn't you say past never dies?"

"I did. But people can... neglect it. Drink it."

"I can't."

"Drink or I'll make you!" he yelled. 

He needs more blood. 

I took the bottle shakily and drank some water. He cursed and walked away, slamming the doors. I sighed. In a moment, my blood began boiling. He didn't do anything worse than he did before, but I've had enough. I've had enough of being a prisoner and not having my freedom, my love and my happiness. Life is shit. A shitty carriage being pulled by a pack of wild horses. But if we don't get up and take the reins, the carriage will fall into a profound and there is no getting up from there. 

I made a plan. I'll meet up with Twice and find a way to get out of here. With Izuku or without him. I don't need anyone to save my ass. 

Izuku's POV

The sun was just rising above the Tokyo rooftops. I stood on one of them, waiting for Hawks. The day I came back from camping, I decided to tell it all to Hawks. He was in a similar situation once and he'll know how I feel... partly. Too much of it was on my soul and I could no longer take it by myself. I have to be frank - I expected some support from Alex. But she doesn't seem to mind it at all, so I kept my troubles to myself. 

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now