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"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked Alex.

She pulled on her sleeves for a second and then smiled.

"Yeah. I mean, I'd tell you, right?" she chuckled.

"See? I told ya", Dabi said from the corner. 

I rolled my eyes and looked at Alex. I'm pretty sure my pupils were shaped as hearts. 

"How are you? You never talk about yourself", Alex said quietly.

My senses told me something was wrong. In her gaze was an odd note I never saw before. Not guilt, some sort of... sadness. I told her a gazillion times I don't care about having to play dirty as long as it saves her, but this time, something else was wandering through her mind at the moment, and I saw it right away. She smiled at caught my hand. I opened my mouth to ask her what is on her mind and just then my phone rang. 

"Shit, they got you", she whined.

I saw Chifu's number and I put up my hand as a sign to both Dabi and Alex. He got up defensively, wanting to take my phone away, but stopped when he saw me. 

"Yes?" I said.

"Deku! We ran a few checks on Chito. Despite his name", she laughed in that strict manner, "he seems fit to join the Commission. I just want you to know that this won't happen again - heroes suggesting members. This was an exception. Have a good day."

"Th-thank you!" I yelled, jumping up and knocking the chair on Dabi, causing him to curse under his breath.

"You seem awfully happy about it. I hope it's clear you won't gain any advantages by this. Right?" she asked me suspiciously.

"N-no! I - I am happy for him, that's all."


I waited for her to hang up. I heard the line beeping and I collapsed onto the floor next to Alex. She looked at me with worry. She froze her movements, probably wondering what I will do next. Her eyes were wide and I enjoyed seeing that beautiful colour. As I was on the floor, I felt a tear sliding down my face. Luck really was in its weird way on my side this time. If a position weren't available, I was ready to go far enough to bribe someone to quit, or even worse things. Love is a frenzy. It stops you from thinking clearly, takes over you body and soul, spreads through you more and more as you are further away from the one you love. It becomes an obsession easily. I turns a fair, honest, honorable person into a blackmailer and a liar. Maybe that is what it did to me. But the one who loves doesn't see that. We think we would die without that certain someone. And it gets worse when you stop doing it because you would die - but when you think only and only about the loved one. A boarder, a line, between true love and an unhealthy obsession is thinner than a thread; and in those moments, I was dancing around it, for a moment prevailing to the one side, for a moment to the other. Then again, can't you truly love someone and be obsessed with them at the same time? What is the difference? Sometimes, it seems non-existent.

Alex's POV

My heart stopped as Izuku simply crashed onto the floor next to my feet. Was he discovered? 

Will I never get out of here?

As soon as this selfish thought crossed my mind, I felt disgusted of myself. I shuddered and froze. This whole thing made me a monster - Izuku's honor was at someone else's disposal and I was thinking of myself only. 

"We did it", he said through tears, blubbering. 

I shook my head, not getting a thing he said.

"Dabi... Dabi... Chito is in the Commission. Let her go, let her go", he sobbed frantically, hanging on to the sleeve of my baggy sweatshirt.

A sudden happiness began swarming me, but before I could react accordingly, realization was taking over. I remembered that Twice warned me about something being plotted against Izuku, and the moment I saw an odd look on Dabi's face, I knew it was true. If they took my blood, that meant they intend to send Toga instead of me, tricking Izuku. But I could've done nothing. Saying something would endanger me, Izuku and Twice - to whom I felt a moral duty after his 'sacrifice'. 

"Good. You'll get Alex back after we check everything. Spinner, take her back!" he said as if I were an object to discard when not needed. 

"I-I'll see you soon", Izuku sobbed like a baby on the floor.

I caught on to the table as Spinner tried to drag me out. My mind was looking for a way to warn him without them noticing. 

Maybe I can say I figured it out on my own?

"Double check", I said, trying to make it sound like a warning for Izuku.

"Well, she seems to like it at ours place!" Dabi exclaimed.

"You're g-going home-e!" Izuku cried. 

I squeezed my eyes and looked away from the little puddle of practical misery he became. I felt that moment pierce my existence heavily, my everything was aching at the thought of what has become of us both.

Oh, Izuku! Oh, dear, naïve, childish, Izuku? Couldn't you have seen they were about to play a trick on you? 

Dabi is a wheeler-dealer, a good one, but this time I read his body language. His eyes were looking at the mirror I figured out was just a deceiving glass behind which the League was hidden. I supposed they already got the plan going - more so since I didn't see Toga around as I went back to the pathetic room I stayed in. 

"Wait, wait now, Spinner... How do I know you won't keep me locked up, huh?" I said and caught on to the doorframe to stop him from pushing me in.

"Izuku gets Alex back - it's the deal. As soon as everything is checked, you'll be back", he muttered and pushed me in violently and impatiently. 

Spinner left. I saw the entire building was in a rush. Men and women of all ages were all around, running on their toes, trying to keep it quiet. They were all coming from the same direction, from the right when looked from my room. Izuku was vulnerable and I'm sure they would have taken him down if only they didn't need him for the rest of their awful scheme. It's funny how a bad thing may save your life... I heard a loud shout and stuck my nose onto the glass in order to see what's going on. My heart was beating incredibly slowly, I thought I may be dying. The hall went quiet. I thought it was over and I wanted to turn away to figure a way out for Izuku. Out of the mess I created. But then I saw a shadow slowly heading down the hall. Something about it send chills down my spine. I moved away for a moment, being in temptation to hide. It was big and seemed deformed. I thought for a moment my eyes were playing a trick on me - until it came closer. 

It started entering my sight. A man. He was way to big for a normal person, his muscles were swollen and his skin was very white. As he got closer, I stepped back. It looked as if he could crush me any minute and I actually feared for my life. Even from a distance, I noticed little cracks on his arms, reminding me of marble. I only saw a glimpse of his face and hair; if you can call it that. His hair was light blue and his face was covered with something I didn't figure out properly. For a moment I thought his hand was on his face, as if it ached him, but then I saw both arms next to his body, swinging rapidly with every step. He left and I no longer so his shadow - the lights in the hall turned off.

I looked away. The dark hall and my claustrophobic little room reminded me too much of a horror scene. I sat down on my bed and tried to turn back on everything I know. Twice could help me, if I managed to talk him into it. I only took a glimpse back on what he said about his daughter. Using that was too law for me, even in such a situation. There was another way I'd find out. Then, I knew that that awful man was around Izuku. I hoped he wouldn't harm him. With a sigh I looked down at my hands. Then I remembered the files in Izuku's study, all the records and criminals, beginning with Dabi and ending with that pretty much useless Spinner. 

"Shigaraki...!" I gasped suddenly, looking back at the dark hall where the scary man just passed by.  

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt