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Here are a few reasons why this book pretty much sucks and some other stuff related to it:

1) I am a messed up person so this is a messed up book - I mean, I start reading 3 different books in 3 different languages, start writing 2 stories on Wattpad and another 2 on paper. Because I am indecisive and unlike talented people I can't keep up with such a rhythm I set for myself. 

2) My life is all together pretty koo-koo.

3) I have a real plot and its solution in my head for this book, but idk when will I get to it. The book just seems to go so slow and I made a mistake with so many fricking details. 

4) Seeing how many people read it at the beginning and now, I see the quality of the book went down lol.

5) I am sorry because the book is simply boring, I know it is as well XD.

6) I debated on it a bit, but I guess I'll continue writing it and poisoning Wattpad with shit just because it helps me to run away from the mess I am usually in.

7) Thanks to those who read this <3 A comment which made me laugh the most was when a person told me I melt into the characters so well I should see if I have MPD lmao.


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