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I found the easiness Hawks let go of the matter rather suspicious. He usually discussed everything. But this time, he practically gave up! I sighed as I speed-walked to the Victory Square. It was the square where All Might defeated All For One. I was kind of leery when it came to actually meeting Twice in person. After everything, I could only see the bad side of things. The place was crowded. I could see why he wanted to meet there. We wouldn't be shady if there was so many people, unlike a lonesome little street. I glanced at people's faces. Naturally, he wouldn't come in his suit. Luckily, there weren't as many blonde people. I spotted him as a few minutes passed since I heard the Tower signal it was noon. He was sitting on a little bench, one of a few placed around some bushes and flowers. He stared blankly at the tulips not so far away from him. 

I sat down on the other end of the bench and coughed quietly. He raised his look at me and smiled weakly. 

"Can I expect to be arrested?" he chuckled. 

"Not just yet", I replied, trying to sound strict. 

But. But. It all pissed me off. The fact it was the second deal I was making with a villain. The fact Alex is still locked up. The fact I had to behave nicely in front of a LOV member. The fact my voice cracked every time I thought that I may be with the love of my life soon. The fact it was all destroying every, little, living part of me. 

"This is the plan", he said. "Alex will supposedly faint around five. I will 'get a doctor'. Dabi won't be there, and the others aren't that dangerous, as long as we get rid of them before they call Shigaraki. You will wait at the entrance the entire time. Here is...a little microphone. Alex and I will wear it the entire time. If we signal it, you'll come in and help us fight. If not, hopefully, you'll just wait there and get her out. The signal is the word 'photo'."

"It's complicated", I frowned. 

"It is! It is easy!" he shouted suddenly. 

"Why call for a doctor when you can just get out if Dabi won't be there?" I asked, honestly confused. 

"Because I won't have a proper excuse to sound the alarm then and call the more dangerous ones for help."

"And why the word 'photo'?"

"It's not very likely anyone will yell that in the middle of a fight breaking out, will they?"


"That's it. Will you be there?"


"Be careful, Dabi leaves at 4:30. Make sure he doesn't see you. And unless we call you do not come in. You mustn't. Okay?", Twice got up. 

"Okay. If you do something, I swear to God..." I muttered to him, holding his forearm tightly. 

"I won't. I promise", he rushed. 

"What made you help her?" I still didn't let it go. 

"Frankly... I don't know. It was a conversation we had. It felt like saving my kid. That's it. No schemes, Deku", he was honest and I could see it. 

"I'll be at the exit at 5 p.m.", I said in the end. 

"Good luck", he whispered and walked away, turning around a bit and flinching. 

I felt sorry for him.

Alex's POV

I gazed at the hidden watch every few minutes, knowing time goes by slower the more you check. No matter how badly I wanted to break free from this hole, I still feared of what is waiting for me outside of this little room, a place where I was kept a prisoner between four tight, dirty walls.

I gulped. Dabi was supposed to be gone. Only five more minutes and the big mantissa would line with the 12, and the small one with the 5. I took a deep breath and looked around again. It was so quiet. A paranoia suddenly took me over. Maybe they've found out about our plan and had been waiting until now. My damaged nerves began breaking one by one. I felt a wave of heat spread through my body, followed by shivering. I've had anxiety before but this time I knew I had a good reason.

Now's not the time!

I breathed in and out deeply. Izuku told me to every time I feel like this think of a happy memory; something like dementors in Harry Potter. I shook my head and thought of those sweet moments I've shared with him. It worked like a miracle, in a moment. I jumped up and down to make sure it's over and glanced at the watch again. It was past five o' clock. I peaked through the window. Fainting just like that was stupid. I had to wait for Twice to pass by like we arranged. I twisted my short hair around the finger until I saw a shadow come near. Just in case, instead of sitting down I collapsed for real. As I was on the floor I heard muffled footsteps. I shut my eyes, even though my heart was beating like crazy. I wasn't a very good actress and I had a bad habit of smiling whenever I pretended to sleep. 

The footsteps got a tiny bit louder and then stopped. I heard the doors open. I didn't dare to open my eyes in case Twice was with someone. That would be inconvenient because he had to give me the microphone shit. 

"I'm alone", he whispered. 

I opened my eyes and he shoved a little device in my hand.

"Hide it well behind your ear and hair", he said.

I did it silently. I couldn't say anything because I felt like either screaming or sobbing. I just nodded and saw his hand flinch a bit before getting back down on the ground. If someone were to ask him while he was saying doubled, it would be the end of us. They've all probably figured out his secret just like me. They may be bad, but not all of the LOV members are unintelligent. 

"I'm gonna call now. I'm not gonna say a thing!" he blurted out. 

I froze and tried to calm down my breathing. 

"Oi! Deku's girl has fainted!" he yelled and I heard him move behind me.

Those words made my stomach turn upside down with a weird feeling, almost happiness. As if I was reassured that after everything I'm still labeled as his amongst them. I heard people run down the hall. My heart has stopped for a moment. It was like the entire world stopped as well. I heard it all in slow-motion. Steps landing next to me, Spinner's voice yelling something, Twice replying in a pretended panic... 

Calm down, calm down... Izuku is out there... it's okay...

I felt a heavy thing land next to me and Twice's voice say: "Come on! Quick!"

I bolted up and took a look behind me as Twice dragged me away, pressing a finger on his mask where his lips were. A clone was sitting next to Spinner's knocked out body on the floor. 

A/N: It's okay to have panic and anxiety attacks. I know many people are told it's not alright, but it is. I'm having panic attacks myself. They tell me that I can control it, that I don't have to be afraid. But I am. And no, I can't control it. It happens out of the blue, when I least expect it. Even though I've had a few by now actually, each time feels like it's the first one. It's hard to breathe and you feel like you're being spun around in a tight box. When I had my first attack, I was alone at home. I called my best friend who has anxiety attacks and she calmed me down. Sometimes we panic, we overthink, we worry. But we are humans (I bet you've read this sentence a dozen of times lol) and therefore we are imperfect. And if it happens don't be scared of asking for help. No-one can call you a nutter because you face these things. 

Have a wonderful day <3

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя