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"It sure got you", Izuku muttered as I were tying his tie.

"What?" I asked, making sure he is presentable.

"The quirk. Your wounds still didn't heal", he said, pointing at my stitches.

"Easy for you to say, you're a whole meter taller than me. Plus, it's only been two days", I pouted.

He kissed me quickly and looked at himself in the mirror. I hugged him.

"It'll be fine, you'll see. Just don't say anything stupid", I turned around to clean up a bit since picking the right suit caused a proper mess. 

He sighed and rubbed his eyes nervously. In half of an hour he had a meeting with the Commission. They were to discuss his actions (associating with the LOV) and his future as a hero. He found it non-existential but I felt there was some hope left. Surely they would consider the fact he helped lock up the whole League! I looked at him carefully. He was really handsome - if it were up to his charm, there would be no meeting at all. He paced around our room, muttering something to himself like he had the habit to. Mei would come by our place while the meeting is going on to help me not think of it. 

"I'm fine with the consequences for myself. I am responsible! But what did Hawks do?" Izuku asked, looking deep into my eyes. 

"He knew about it, I guess", I said to myself and sat down on the floor, trying to distract myself with a messy drawer. 

The truth is, I felt really guilty. If there weren't for me and my incapability, things would have never gotten to this point. We often want to go back in time to change our deeds; whether it's just to spend some time in nature instead of staring at the TV or something much, much more important and significant. I never would have walked away from our fight and I never would have came in my apartment after I saw Izuku act suspiciously. But that wasn't the only reason for my guilt. Twice was as well. After everything he's done for me, I let him die. I know it's unreasonable to think I were able to do more in the condition I was in, but still... He was reminding me of my dad so much, even though there was absolutely no similarities. My dad would never join a villain thing, as one. But Twice was radiating with some regret of his actions and hidden kindness. I spent a lot of time in the last two days thinking about it, and I've come to a conclusion I have to do something to help him, even though he isn't with us anymore. He deserved it. 

"Alright, I am off. Wish me luck", Izuku sighed.

I jumped up and told him with a kiss: "You're a good person, remember it."

He smiled at me and waved. I watched him walk out and then sat down on the floor. Just as I shut my eyes, I heard a cheerful voice from the outside. Mei was here. I opened the door, as happily as I could. She hugged me.

"Ya ready for a party?!" she screeched.  

"Actually... I have something else in mind", I whispered. 

I had an idea in that moment. I dragged her to my room and started getting dressed. 

"Al, we went over this. I know you feel this and that, but you can't go with Midoriya!" Mei huffed.

"I won't! I need you, though. I need you to find someone for me", I smiled, making a messy bun.

"Isn't the whole League in the calaboose?" she frowned. 

"Stop making assumptions and come on! Plus, it's a good way not to think of my and Izuku's entire future, right?" I made a grimace as I accidentally scratched my stitches. 

"You're a crazy one, ya know?" Mei laughed, running her hand through that wild pink hair. 

"Two of us!" I yelped and dragged her out of the house.

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu