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I woke up with terrible aches in my whole body. I fell asleep, crouched up on the sofa with Alex asleep on my shoulder. The sun wasn't up yet. I saw the light blue sky through the big, glossy window. It was Saturday. On Saturdays I had a day off and Alex wouldn't go to work. I was too lazy to move even though it hurt as hell. I was silently watching as the sun rose slowly and poured its sparks over Alex's beautiful hair. She was like an angel - so calm and beautiful. Soon the whole room was in a golden mist. 

I suddenly felt sleepy again and just as I dozed off, a strong punch landed right on my eye. 

"Ow!" I yelped. 

"Huh? Izuku! I'm so sorry!" Alex said from somewhere. 

My eyes teared and as they cleared out I saw her covering her mouth with her hands in attempts not to laugh.

"Funny?" I groaned, rubbing my eye nervously.

"Here, here, I'll heal it", she replied through giggles. "See? Sofa is for TV watching. Bed is for sleeping", she added as I saw the blue light which has become well-known to me lately. 

"Mhm. I'll go make us some breakfast", I replied. 

"No! I mean... you know... I'll do it. J-just in case", she chuckled, stretched and quickly walked away before I could say anything. 

I sat back down and touched my eye. It didn't hurt anymore. My phone rang and I saw a video-call from Todoroki. I answered with a reluctant 'Good morning'.

"What's up, Midoriya?" he said in a chirpy tone.

"Oh nothing. Hey, listen, by the way, I asked Alex to move in with me", I said quickly - yes, I haven't told anyone yet. 

"That how you got the black eye?" he laughed. 

"N-no. I asked her quite a while ago and she said yes. So, we're living together now", I rolled my eyes, looking at myself in the little square on the screen. 

"Cool. Anyway, Momo is hosting a party. Wanna come? And Alex, of course", he replied with not much amusement or interest. 

"Sure. What time?"

"Eight. Tonight."

"Yeah. We'll be there. Bye!"


I hung up. 

"Al, I have a bruise", I whined nervously. 

"Oops. I guess I healed you so many times you became resistant", she laughed easily. 

"Great. Toga can't get me, but Alex Davies can", I chuckled. 

It was around 7 a.m. by the time she finished examining my eye and just shrugged her shoulders easily. No big deal. She went back to the breakfast as I walked around the house nervously. Boxes were tripping me every few inches and I suddenly realized how dusty most of the rooms are. Come on, Deku, this is a house for the big guys! Yeah, right. I use three out of fifteen rooms. Really. What a fool. 

"Zuku, isn't this near your office?" Alex yelled from the living room. 

She stood there in shock, with some cutlery in her hands, staring at the screen. I ran down and gasped. 

The League. It was near my office. In fact, it was exactly my office. No heroes in sight. Just civilians running around in panic, trying to escape from Twice's insane clones. My breath hitched as I saw Dabi drawing some graffiti on the office building. I couldn't see what it was as Kurogiri appeared in front of him, trying to sustain Shigaraki who was having some mad fun. The next part happened in a moment. Kurogiri carried the villains away. Twice's clones melted. The second some of the letters flashed in front of my eyes, I knew what they spelled together. I grabbed Alex , turning her away from the screen and hugged her. The cutlery fell down from her hands. Its clanking on the marble floor echoed in my ears as I still stared into the screen. 

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now