...Fighting For Freedom...

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As myself and Kurapika was exiting the hotel, he took my hand and held it while we walked.

Kurapika: Alright they said they'll meet us by town square.
Y/N: If you say so.

We continued walking side by side, while he held my hand. We finally got to town square and a face caught my eye.

Y/N: Hey I'll be right back. I'll find you guys when I'm done.
Kurapika: Where are you going?
Y/N: Just gonna go talk to someone real quick.

He let go of my hand.

Kurapika: If you say so.

I smiled and started jogging away. I entered a ally ways and knew the person was looking at me. I pointed and gestures to go to on the roof. As I jumped on the roof, the other person came onto the roof and sat down.

Carlos: Yo.
Y/N: Did you need anything?

He pulled out a piece of paper.

Carlos: I found another thing Axel was gonna give you. But you know, you killed him.

I sighed.

Y/N: Not my fault.
Carlos: Ya sure.

He handed me the paper.

Y/N: I don't need his old gifts anymore.
Carlos: Oh?
Y/N: Yup.
Carlos: At least read it. So you don't waist my time.

I rolled my eyes then took the paper. Which I read.

Dear Y/N,

My forever lover, I wrote this letter to announce the time and date of our wedding. I'm very excited to have our family gather around and celebrate our love. Also that you are going to be joining time clan.

Axil ~

(The year is 2012 in the story)

Y/N: Damn it's been 2 years already?
Carlos: Time flies.

I handed him the paper.

Y/N: I don't need it.
Carlos: Why not?
Y/N: Because I found a new lover.
Carlos: So you don't love Axil anymore?
Y/N: Afraid not.
Carlos: N-no!

I tilted my head a bit.

Carlos: That's not supposed to be the plan! You were supposed to suffer because he's not here anymore!
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Carlos: You made my brother suffer! Now I wanted you to suffer too!

He grabbed my shirt and tried to throw me off the roof.

Y/N: Oh hell nah!

I grabbed his shirt so he fell with me. We both hit the ground and started fighting.
He tried punching me, but I swiftly dodged. Then I punched him in the face. He kicked me and I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him.

Kurapika: Hey!

We ignored him and continued fighting. I punched him in the side and he grabbed my shirt.

Carlos: You were supposed to suffer from heartbreak and lonesome!
Y/N: Well fuck that plan!

I bit his hand. Kurapika grabbed me and a taller guy came towards us. Leorio?

Leorio: Knock it off you two!
Kurapika: Y/N!

I tried to get out of Kurapika's grip, while Carlos was trying to get out of Leorio's.
We both used nen and got out of their grip. We started fighting each other again. Which I grabbed his shirt and threw him to the floor, he got up and tried to punch me. But Leorio grabbed him.

Carlos: You didn't deserve him!
Y/N: Apparently he disagreed!

Carlos got out Leorio's grip and activated his nen ability.

Y/N: So you wanna play dirty!

I activated my nen to full power. Something I've never done before. From the corner of my eye I saw Kurapika with both amazed and worried eyes.

Carlos stopped in his tracks. My power grew stronger. I started teleporting everywhere to confuse him. Then I teleported behind him.

Y/N: Leave now, or else I'll kill you.
Carlos: You can't do that. I saved you!

I pulled out a card, and placed it to his neck.

Y/N: Try me.
Leorio: Lets just all calm down now!
Kurapika: Y/N stop!

I side eyed them.

Leorio: Her eyes are glowing yellow...
Kurapika: We shouldn't get near her. I could feel her blood lust.

I looked back at Carlos then pushed him.

Y/N: Leave. You asshole.

I started walking away.

Kurapika: Y/N!

I looked behind me and saw Carlos running at me with his nen ability activated.
His ability was something on fire or something.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him close then kicked him in the balls.
With my nen ability still activated, I used it on him.
His fear was abandonment. The power I had was stronger then ever. Instead of putting him through hallucinations, i put him in a whole other world.
He fell to the floor, paralyzed. Almost lifeless.

Y/N: Me? Suffer?

My nen slowly started fading away. As I picked up Carlos and leaned him against the wall. Standing up straight, I side eyed Leorio and Kurapika who were both gave me worried looks.

Y/N: What he started it.
Leorio: Note to self. Don't get Y/N mad.
Kurapika: Ima need that note as well..

I walked towards them.

Kurapika: Are you ok?

He put his hands on my shoulders and checked if I had any injuries.

Leorio: I almost forgot you guys are like..a thing now.
Y/N: Yes sir.
Leorio: So I'm guessing your off the market now.

He put his hand on his neck.

Kurapika: How are you not hurt!?
Y/N: What do you mean?
Kurapika: I'm sure he hit you. But not even a scratch on you.

I nodded.

Leorio: We should get back to Gon and Killua. There waiting for us.
Kurapika: Wait..what's gonna happen to him?
Y/N: Oh he's gonna be stuck in an infinite loophole of nightmares. Unless he's strong enough to defeat what he fears the most.

I smiled.

Y/N: Alright lets go.
Kurapika: I think I'm dating a psycho..
Y/N: Maybe.

I took his hand and Leorio led the way.

After that day, when Leorio found out my real power. Life has been interesting. Carlos woke up from the nightmares after a good 3 days, and I never seen him ever again. Kurapika and myself are still staying at the hotel working as bodyguards. I even started helping Kurapika take revenge on the Phantom Troupe. I don't get to see Hisoka often but we do meet up sometimes at the carnival like how Kurapika and I did.

The End~

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