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It was officially the first day of September, and The Phantom Troupe was preparing.
Hopefully I get to see Kurapika tonight.

Machi: Y/N!?

I looked at her.

Machi: You ready?
Y/N: Ya.

I smiled, putting a thumbs up.

Hisoka: Y/N?
Y/N: Ya what's up?
Hisoka: Are you certain that you are ready?
Y/N: Hisoka, I wouldn't be agreeing to this. Plus I'm basically gonna be causing chaos. Chaos is like my thing.

He grinned.

Hisoka: If you say so.
Chrollo: Alright everyone!

I got up stretching. Ready for the chaos to commence.

*Time Skip*

We got to the underground auction, and I hid until the time was right. Focusing on the body guards.
I seen Machi gesture for me to go, and that's when I made my move.

Body Guard: Hey hey..your cute.

He smirked.

Y/N: Glad you think so.
Body Guard: You here for the auction?

I nodded.

Y/N; But I can stay here for the time being.

I activated my nen, and winked. As he chuckled like a love sick loser, I was focusing on his fears.

Body Guard 2: Hey man. What's going on over here?
Y/N: Wow, another attractive body guard.

I looked away, and rolled my eyes.

Body Guard 2: Really you think I'm attractive?
Y/N; Of course.

Again I activated my nen, and winked.
I found out he was afraid of the ocean. Especially squids.
Body Guard 1 had a strange fear of skunks.

As I snapped my fingers together, I looked at the men with a smirk. As I watched them going into hallucinations. Lucky for me their was nobody really around, so as they were trembling. I attempted to go inside.

Another Body Guard: Hey! What's happening here?!

I activated my nen, finding he was afraid of fires. I put him in a hallucination, and quickly threw cards at the body guards. Killing them silently.
I walked inside the building, and saw more body guards. While they were facing away from me. I swiftly threw cards at the. Stabbing both of them in the neck, and leg. Killing them silently.
Disguising myself in the shadows, I watched the auction. While more body guards came in. Killing them, I smirked.
This was more boring then I thought.

*Time Skip*

I was in battle with about 10 body guards. Taking them out 1 by 1. Doing fancy tricks, and slicing their arms off easily. I picked one in the balls and jumped on his head, as I was in the air. I threw more cards at the body guards. When I landed, I saw all of them drop dead.

Y/N: Nice.

I smirked.
Seeing Hisoka, I waved at him and he only grinned. Then started fighting other people.
Ya it seemed like I wasn't gonna see Kurapika tonight. Hopefully he doesn't mind.

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