...Not a date...

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As we got to the hideout to meet up with the other spiders. Machi was still teasing me about how I got hit on.
We walked inside and saw I Hisoka talking to Chrollo.

Chrollo: Ah. You guys finally arrived.
Machi: Ya sorry to keep you waiting. This one decided she wanted to get hit on.

She pointed at me.

Hisoka: Oh?

Damnit Machi, why'd you have to say something.

Y/N: Hey it's not like I wanted to get hit on.
Chrollo: Well you guys are here now. So let's get started.

We all gathered around and talked about the plan we were going to be launching pretty soon.
We were basically gonna be stealing a bunch of fancy shit from this auction place. Blah blah blah, what's my role in this part.
Before we could go through the roles we were dismissed because they were still planning how everything was gonna go down.

Hisoka and I started walking to our usual spot and right when we sat down he immediately started asking questions.

Hisoka: So who was hitting on you?
Y/N: Oh elder brother, what ever do you mean.
Hisoka: Y/N.

I sighed.

Y/N: It's not like I was interested. They were new around town so I thought I should introduce myself.

He nodded.

Hisoka: Any Names?

This guy just wants all the tea doesn't he.

Y/N: I don't know. Something like Oreo.

Its annoying when he gets like this. He's a little too overprotective over me sometimes. Like I didn't even know he cared about me. Sometimes if he doesn't approve, the person who hits on me goes missing sometimes..

Hisoka: If you say so Y/N.

I looked out the window and saw some random dudes fighting. Lol imagine fighting. Shit I'm part of the Phantom Troup, I'ma have to do a lot of fighting. Oh well, it's not like I'm actually recruited. I'm a fake spider.

*Time Skip*

When we were finally dismissed, I went to go get something to eat. When I got to some random restaurant, I saw Leorio, Gon and Killua.
Speak of the devil's I guess.
I ordered my food, and sat at a table. Scrolling through my phone waiting for my order.
Someone sat across from me, and I looked up to see Leorio.

Leorio: Heya. Fancy seeing you here.
Y/N: Why hello.
Leorio: So can I buy some lunch?
Y/N: Well I just ordered some for myself, but we can eat together if you'd like.

I rested my head on my hand.
He chuckled like a lovesick loser.
Totally didn't get that from Machi...

Machi: Oii, loser!

Oh my goshh, how does she keep finding me.
This time she was with Shizuka.

Leorio: Oh I didn't know you were meeting people here.
Y/N: I didn't know either.

Machi came up to us and basically dragged me out of my seat.

Y/N: Hey wait.
Machi: Come on Y/N. You keep running off and everyone is waiting for you.

She said while dragging me.

Y/N: Machi let go! That hurts! O-ok then. I'll see you some other time!

I waved at Leorio, while Machi was still dragging me out the door.

Y/N: Hey wait. My food!

I tried to get out of her grip, but damn she's strong like what the hell.

She finally let go of me once we were outside. I heard the waitor call my number and I ran back inside.

Machi: Y/N!

I got to the counter and got my food. Obviously I paid so ya. Leorio looked at me funny and I smiled at him, before taking my the bags of food and leaving.

Machi: Really?
Y/N: What I'll share with you.
Machi: No I mean, really? You're on a date with that weirdo.

I choked on a french fry from her comment.

Y/N: What no! It's not a date.
Shizuka: You sure?.
Y/N: Yes I'm sure. I ordered my food and he came and sat at my table.

Machi nodded.

Machi: Right..
Y/N: Plus I'm not interested in a relationship right now.
Machi: Wait really?
Y/N: Mhmm.

I said while eating more french fries.

Machi: Well why not. You're a beautiful girl.
Y/N: It's a long story.

I said not looking up from my food.

Y/N: Want some?

I looked up at them, offering a a french fry.
Shizuka took one and Machi denied my other.

Y/N: Suit yourself.

I smiled.

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