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As Machi dragged me back to the hideout, I continued to eat, sharing a bit with Shizuku.

When we finally got back to the hideout, I sat down still eating. Crollo went over the plan. He discussed our roles and ilk be honest, I didn't pay attention to anything he said. Until I heard my name.

Crollo: Y/N, you will be in charge of keeping everyone busy with you're nen. Meaning you will be the one to take out all the important people, such as guards and/or officers.

What that'd gonna be hard, and to much people.
I nodded my head.
When we were finally dismissed I sat where Hisoka and I usually sit. Finishing off my food, Hisoka joined me.

Hisoka: Aww you didn't save any for me~?
Y/N: No. Shizuku was lucky I even let her touch the fries.

I chuckled.
Sitting their in silence for like 5 seconds I got up again.

Y/N: I'm bored now.
Hisoka: Oh Y/N, before you go.

I looked at him.

Hisoka: We're having s meeting with someone tonight.
Y/N: Who?
Hisoka: You'll see.

I nodded and put a thumbs up. Then I left the building.
Hopefully this person we're meeting is interesting.

Jumping roof to roof, yet again I saw Leorio. Brushing it off, I looked around the city from the roof I was on.
I then felt a hard shove, and I fell off the roof. I hit the floor and someone jumped beside me.

I got up and looked who the person was, and it was a very recognizable face.

Y/N: You damn bastard!

I got up and started chasing the person.

???: Hey if anything you're the bastard!
Y/N: It wasn't my fault!
???: It really was!

While I was chasing the person, I didn't realize Leorio, Gon and Killua were standing their. When I finally caught up to the person, I took off their mask.

Y/N: Knew it was you. You little shit.
???: Hey. Axel wouldn't like that now would he.
Y/N: Shut up Carlos.

I let go of the boy, slightly pushing him. He stood up and confronted me.

Y/N: What do yo want?
Carlos: Just wanted to give you this.

He held out a necklace.

Y/N: What?
Carlos: It was from Axel.

I took the necklace, noticing the charm was a moon.

Y/N: Why-

Before I could ask any more question, Carlos was gone.

Y/N: Rude little shit.

I scoffed. I started walking, kicking the dirt while I looked st the necklace. Examining it to make sure it wasn't a tracking device or anything.

Leorio: Heyy!
Gon: Hi again!

I side eyed the group. Then shoved the necklace I'm my pocket.

Y/N: Hey guys.

I smiled.

Killua: Oi?
Y/N: Ya?
Killua: Who was that kid?

My eye twitched a little thinking about Carlos.

Y/N: He's not a kid. He's 17.
Gon : Wait really?
Y/N: Ya. He's just short.

I chuckled.

Killua: Do you guys gave beef or something?
Y/N: Not really. He just doesn't let go of the past.

I looked down, feeling myself tear up a bit.

Y/N: And I guess I do too.

I whispered to myself

Gon: What was that?
Y/N: Nothing! Anyways crazy how we keep meeting up like this.

I smiled.

Leorio: He I know right.
Killua: Coincidental I guess.
Leorio: I've been meaning to ask but, where do you keep getting dragged off to do?

Shit what do I say.

Y/N: Meh, just to meet up with old friends I haven't seen in a while.

I smiled.

Leorio: I guess that makes sense.
Gon: Yup.

The sun was started to set. I should probably get back, who knows when the meeting is.

Y/N: It's getting a little late, and I got stuff to do.
Leorio: Can I be stuff?

He muttered.

Y/N: Did you say something.
Leorio: Oh no. Its nothing.
Y/N: Oh ok.
Gon: Will we see you tomorrow?
Y/N: Probably.

I smiled.

Gon: See you later then!
Y/N: Ya, see you guys.

I said walking off, waving.

Leorio: Bye.

I saw Killua only wave at me.

Leorio: Hey wait. You're name was Y/N right?
Y/N: Ya!

I smiled and waved making my way back to the hideout, I saw Hisoka waiting for me.

Y/N: When's the meeting.
Hisoka: It'd starting soon.

I nodded.

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