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As I stood next to Hisoka, we casually greeted ourselves to the Phantom Troupe. A.K.A the group Hisoka is so desperately trying to get into.
He did most of the talking, while I scanned the group with intense focus. Man these guys have such boring faces. The only people that actually catch my attention is probably the girl named Shizuki, Uvo, and maybe Shalnark. Other then that everyone is pretty boring looking.

Chrollo: Say, why is you're younger sibling looking at me funny..?
Hisoka: I apologize for her, trust issues. Don't worry to much about it.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from the group. They had continued discussing wither we can join or not, and to my surprise we were now members of the phantom troupe.

Hisoka: Perfect.

I saw as a grin crept on his face while he looked at Chrollo.

He then started walking away, so I followed and we were both sitting by a window.
I watched as the sun went down, and Hisoka built a card tower.

*Time Skip*

York New City was certainly an interesting place, with many interesting faces. Like this weird muscly dude, who looks like he has a banana as a mustache.

While I was sitting on some random roof, I was casually eating a fruit roll-up while waiting for one of the Phantom Troup members to come get me. As I was finishing I spotted an interesting face.
He was rather tall, and wore funny looking glasses. He also held a briefcase. Along side him were two younger boys. One who wore a very green outfit and had spiky hair, while the other boy had some fluffy white hair.
They look new around here.

I smiled, as I started jumping roof to roof to see where they were going. They had finally stopped in an open, but empty space.
I jumped down, revealing myself and making a sudden entrance.

Y/N: Hiya.

I said with a playful tone if voice.

???: Jesus, you're cute.

The taller man said trying to cover his nosebleed.

Y/N: Who's Jesus, and how cute is he?

Playfully looking around, from the corner of my eye I saw the green boy looking at me in slight confusion.

Y/N: Anyways I haven't seen you guys around. What's your guy's names?
???: Leorio! Leorio Paladiknight. It's a pleasure.

He placed his hand on his neck.

???: I'm Gon!
???: Names Killua.

Y/N: Well it's great to meet you guys. I'm-
???: Oii.

I turned to find Machi waiting for me.

Y/N: Oh hey Machi!
Machi: Come on, everyone is waiting for you.

I slightly sighed.

Y/N: Welp, I'll see you guys around.
Gon: Ya.

He smiled.

Leorio: Hey wait, can I at least get you're number.
Y/N: If I wasn't such in a hurry I would stop and give it to you.

I said making my way to Machi.

Machi: Let's go you lovesick loser.
Y/N: Hey I'm not that much of loser.

We both started walking away from the group. Barely hearing it, I heard as Leorio pat Gon and Killua on the back saying...

Leorio: She's totally into me.

I snickered to myself.

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