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It was almost Midnight and myself and the rest of the body guards were out. Neon wanted to go to the theaters and we were all ordered to go with her.

I stayed with Kurapika and watched as Neon, along with Melody and Basho left to go watch the movie. While I stayed near the front door with Kurapika.

Kurapika: You want popcorn?
Y/N: Meh I'm not hungry. Plus were not watching the movie.
Kurapika: True.

I leaned against the wall.

Y/N: How long is the movie she's watching anyways?
Kurapika: Like an hour and 30 minutes.
Y/N: How can someone sit their for that long.

I signed.

Y/N: I know I couldn't. Unless its a good ass movie.

He chuckled.

I crossed my arms. Then had the perfect idea. Looking around, I saw no one in sight, it was pretty empty. Which I found weird. Then saw a door near me, that led to the janitors closet thing.

Y/N: Kurapika.

He looked at me.

Y/N: I'm bored.
Kurapika: Of course you are. Were just standing here doing nothing.

I sighed. Then sat down, still leaning against the wall.

Y/N: I can't just sit here for an hour and 30 minutes.

I took out some cards.

Kurapika: Where did you get that from?
Y/N: I'm the sister of Hisoka, are you really surprised.

He nodded then sat down next to me.

I put my head on his shoulder and kinda just played with the box of cards.

Then I smirked. I lifted my head off of Kurapika and just kinda looked at him. He looked at me.

Y/N: Cards aren't gonna get rid of my boredom.

I set down the box of cards beside me and got on Kurapika's lap.
He was kinda surprised at first, but didn't mind after a couple of seconds.

I put my head close to his ear, and whispered.

Y/N: But I do know what'll cure my boredom.

I placed my...womanly parts against Kurapika's chest.

Kurapika: I-.. Uh..Y/N, were at work.

He blushed.

Y/N: We have a whole hour and 30 minutes. No one around. Theirs even a closet over there for more privacy~

I kissed him on his cheek, and pulled myself closer. Then slightly moaned in his ear.

Kurapika: Y- Y/N.

I looked at him to find a flustered face, then I smiled when I heard people coming out from watching a different movie.

I got off of his lap and stood up.

Y/N: What's wrong Kurapika? Flustered?
Kurapika: You-
Y/N: That's right! Pay back!

I chuckled. He got up, and slightly rolled his eyes, but slightly smiled.

Y/N: Ok, ima go to the bathroom now.
Kurapika: Ok.

I walked away proud of getting payback, then made my way to the bathroom.

*Kurapika's Pov*

As I tried to calm down and make the blushing stop, I heard footsteps.

Kurapika: Y/N-

I looked and saw a random dude.

Kurapika: You are not Y/N..

He smiled.

Kurapika: Um..do you need something?
Random Guy: Ya..so your friend is kinda cute...I was just wondering if you can introduce me to her and-

I felt anger. Before he could finish his sentence I grabbed his shirt, and felt my Scarlett eyes activate.

Kurapika: Listen here. Y/N is mine.

I activated my Judgment Chain.

Random Guy: Ok ok, I'm sorry!

I dragged the guy somewhere else. We went into some hallway and I pushed the guy.

Kurapika: Listen here, and listen well.

I used my Judgement Chain.

Kurapika: My 2 conditions are, stay a good 6 feet from Y/N, and never talk to me ever again about her. If you do any of this, then you die.
Random Guy: Ok ok!

I pierced the chain into his heart, locking in my conditions.
Letting go of the guy he started running away. Then stopped for a second, until he dropped dead onto the floor.
Confused I saw Y/N come through a door.

Y/N: Probably wasn't the best idea to do that by the bathrooms.

She looked at the guy, then stepped over him.

Kurapika: Y/N..

I widened my eyes.

Y/N: Damn we have a lot in common.

She chuckled.

Y/N: I wouldn't mind going back to killing those who are interested in you.

I didn't know how to feel about this side of Y/N.
She faced me and smirked.

Y/N: Because you're mine.

She kissed me, which I kissed back. I put my hands on her waist. Then turned us around so I pinned her to the wall.

Kurapika: And you're mine. So don't forget that.

I whispered into her ear.

Y/N: I like that same energy.

We exited and returned to our spots we were at before all of this happened.

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