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When Friday arrived they had spent every day together that week. On Sunday they hardly left the bed. When they both were working they met up for lunch, and of course Louis listened to Harry's show, joining him at the radio station on Wednesday.

It was Niall's turn to choose a restaurant that lead them to a place famous for their chicken. Louis picked up Harry and they arrived at the restaurant together. Liam and Emma were already there and Niall showed up at the same time as they did, accompanied by a pretty blonde.

Louis could sense that Harry was nervous and took his hand and pulled him to the side before they entered the restaurant.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous about meeting your friends." Harry admitted.

"You met them before." Louis pointed out.

"Yeah, but not as your... I mean, that was before we were dating." Harry said and blushed.

"As my boyfriend?" Louis asked, hoping that was the word Harry had meant to say.

Harry's cheeks turned even redder.
"I'm not assuming anything. Sorry."

Louis got up on his toes and kissed him.
"I like the sound of that, boyfriend that is."

"Yeah? I'm your boyfriend?" Harry smiled hopefully.

"I sure hope so?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded his head with a happy dimpled smile and pulled him in for a hug.
"Are you guys coming or what?" Niall shouted.

"Yes." Louis replied and took Harry's hand in his again before they caught up with Niall.

As soon as they were seated introductions started.
"Guys, this is my girlfriend Emma." Liam said proudly.

"Hi, I'm Niall and this is Amanda." Niall answered.

"Louis, and this handsome man just agreed to be my boyfriend." Louis said.

"I'm Harry."

"Boyfriend? That's great. Congratulations!" Liam smiled and Niall made a little dance. They all burst out laughing.

They had a great evening together. The food was amazing and conversation flooded easily.
"Harry, you should bring Zayn with you next time." Niall suggested.

"Sure. He would like that." Harry smiled.

"Guys, what do you say about mini golf?" Louis suggested with a side glance at Harry.

"YES! I will dominate you!" Niall shouted with his arms raised over his head.

"Funny, I never took you as the dominant type Nialler." Louis smirked. His comment made everyone laugh, except Niall who looked like a question mark.

"Is that a sexual thing?"

"Yes." Louis chuckled.

They went their separate ways after dinner and Louis ended up at Harry's place where they explored the bedroom together, as boyfriends this time.

Zayn joined them for mini-golf the next Friday. Niall showed up in a full golf outfit and his own clubs, just as Louis had predicted. While the great of them played for fun, he and Amanda competed on a whole other level and when they reached the last course they had the same points. The others gathered around, picking teams and coming up with silly rhymes. Harry used his radio voice and pretended to be a sports commentator.
"Niall Horan looks determent. He chooses the right club carefully, knowing that this is it..."

Louis's cock twitched in his pants. Harry was going to talk to him in that voice later that night, he would make sure of it. Harry grinned at him, knowing how flustered he was. Niall lost to Amanda and threw his club into the woods but then he laughed and kissed her and everything was good. They ate a late dinner together, knowing that this was a new tradition that they would continue for years to come.

After some mindblowing sex later that night, where Harry talked dirty to him in that deep, raspy voice Louis turned to him with a smile.
"I love you."

"I love you too." Harry answered emotionally.

Louis moved in a month later. The boys helped him pack his things.
"Are you sure about this? You haven't been together that long." Liam said, a little concerned that they were going too fast.

"I'm sure. When you know you know. Harry is the one for me." Louis replied, knowing that it was the truth.

They fought sometimes, which always ended with amazing make up sex. Mostly they were that annoying cute couple who always held hands and cuddled. They met each other by the door with a hello kiss whenever one of them was out, or came home from work, or just took out the trash. Their home was filled with love and laugh and happiness.

Six months later Louis stumbled on the perfect house. He was visiting a new client in Richmond who wanted to put their house for sale and the minute he saw it he knew that it was the house for him and Harry. He picked up his phone and called him.
"You have to come to Richmond, right now."

"Why? Did something happen?" Harry asked worriedly.

"No. I need you to see this house." Louis answered and gave him the address.

Harry arrived twenty minutes later and he kissed him hello before he took his hand and gave him a tour of the house.
"What do you think?"

"It's perfect. Wait, you want us to buy this?" Harry asked.

"Well, yeah. If you want to? Maybe it's too early? I just saw the house and fell in love with it." Louis said, sounding unsure.

"I love it too. I can totally see us raising a family here. Am I going too fast now?" Harry giggled.

"Ultraspeed, but I don't care. That was my thought exactly." Louis smiled lovingly.

"So I guess we're buying a house then?" Harry asked and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck.

"We're buying a house." Louis smiled.

No one was surprised when Harry got down on one knee and proposed when they had their first house party. Louis accepted the proposal without a second of doubt.

When you knew, you fucking knew.

The End

When You Know You Knowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن