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He was nervous too. Now that he knew that Harry was behind the voice he was afraid that it would feel weird listening to the show. That didn't mean that he would blow it off. He turned on the radio as usual and took a seat in his living room.
"Good evening London and welcome to another show. I hope you're all well. I sure am."

Louis smiled. He could hear it now. It was definitely Harry. He could hear the smile in his voice as well and got a mental image of the beautiful man and how he looked when he smiled.
"Okay, yesterday we stopped after Pozzo and Lucky exit the stage. It's time for the boy to show up again."

This play was something. Two hobos waiting for someone who never showed up, a strange man with a man in a rope and a little boy. Hopefully that Godot would make an appearance in the end at least. Louis chuckled to himself.

Boy: Mister... (Vladimir turns.) Mister Albert...

Vladimir: Off we go again. (Pause.) Do you not recognize me?

Boy: No Sir.

Vladimir: It wasn't you came yesterday.

Boy: No Sir.

Vladimir: This is your first time.

Boy: Yes Sir.Silence.

Vladimir: You have a message from Mr. Godot.

Boy: Yes Sir.

Vladimir: He won't come this evening.

Boy: No Sir.

Vladimir: But he'll come tomorrow.

Boy: Yes Sir.

Louis giggled at the meaningless conversation, even more now when he knew that Harry was behind the different voices. He did such a good job delivering each line. He felt strangely proud of him. He listened the full hour, enjoying every second of it, and before he knew it the show was over.
"That's all for tonight folks. I hope you tune in tomorrow to hear the end of it. Good night, and as always, remember to treat people with kindness. Haz Star signing off."

Haz as in Harry, Hazza. Clever. He was such a moron for not figuring it out. Ten minutes later Harry called.
"Hi, did you listen to the show?" He asked shyly.

"Of course. I laughed my ass off. I was even better now when I know it's you. You're so talented." Louis said fondly.

"You really think that?" Harry questioned, sounding happy.

"Abso-fucking-lutely. I love your show, Harry. I haven't missed a single one. Does that qualify me as a crazy stalker fan?" Louis chuckled.

"No, that just qualifies you as an amazing person." Harry beamed.

"Thanks, love, erhm, I mean, never mind." Louis said and blushed. He called his sisters and female friends love, it was a natural response. But maybe not for the guy he had dated like three times. That was too soon.

Harry just giggled quietly but he didn't comment on it. Louis just got this burning desire to see him, and not in a sexual way. He just missed him, which was silly. He had seen him a couple of hours ago.
"Hey Harry, what are you doing tomorrow morning?"

"Sleeping?" Harry said.

"Well in case you could get up at say nine, would you like to come with me? I'm doing a final check of a house that I'm gonna show on Monday. Wanna keep me company? Louis suggested. That was lame, right? Harry would find him totally lame. He already regretted asking.

"Really? I would love to." Harry said excitedly.

Okay, so not lame, good. Louis smiled relieved.
"Great, I'll pick you up at nine then. Sweet dreams Hazza."

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