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After another brilliant hour of Haz Star on Thursday, he picked up his phone to call Harry Styles. He felt a bit nervous and took a deep breath before he pressed the call button. Harry answered on the third ring.
"Hi, Harry here."

"Hi Harry, it's Louis. How are you?" Louis asked.

He heard mumbling voices in the background.
"Just give me a sec." Harry said and he heard a door close. "Sorry about that. I'm good, how are you?"

"Uhm, fine. Is this a bad time?" Louis asked. 

"Absolutely not. I'm glad you called. I just finished work so I just had to find some privacy." Harry answered.

Louis's eyes fell on his radio and he squinted his eyes suspiciously.
"On the radio?"

"Uhm, yeah, not that interesting. So how have you been?" Harry asked.

Louis decided to drop it. It was a silly thought anyhow.
"Fine. So, I was just calling to confirm our date on Saturday. Do you still wanna do that?"

"Of course." Harry immediately replied and Louis smiled.

"Great. I thought we could keep it simple and go out to dinner so we have a chance to talk to get to know each other better. Does that sound okay to you or did you have something else in mind?" Louis asked.

"That sounds perfect Louis. I'm really looking forward to it. At eight?" Harry said.

"Yeah, do you have a favorite restaurant or do you want me to chose?" Louis asked.

"Surprise me." Harry answered.

"Okay, I can do that. Just text me your address and I'll pick you up fifteen minutes earlier. I'll book a table at eight somewhere." Louis said.

"Great. I'll see you on Saturday then." Harry replied and they hung up. A few minutes later Louis received a text with Harry's address. They didn't live far from each other. Now he just had to think of a restaurant but considering all the places he and the boys had reviewed that wouldn't be hard. He actually thought of one right away. Niall had chosen one a couple of months ago that was more on the romantic side, which had been a bit awkward when the three of them arrived at a place full of hand-holding couples and candle lights. It would be perfect for a first date. At least he hoped so. He called Liam to get his opinion and he reassured him that it would indeed be perfect so he went online and booked a table for two on Saturday.

Friday meant dinner with the boys and he got to pick the restaurant this time and he had chosen an Italian place. His upcoming date was the main conversation of the evening.
"So where are you taking him?" Niall asked as he dug in on his pasta.

"I made reservations at Andrew Edmunds." Louis informed them and blushed a little.

"Oooooooo....romantic!" Niall grinned.

Louis rolled his eyes at him.
"Well, it's a date after all." Then he got insecure. "Is it too much?"

"No, it's good. Show him your soft, romantic side. Not that many people get to see that. He must be something extra." Liam said softly.

"I think so. I mean, I really don't know him yet but what I've seen so far, it's all great, you know, plus, he's absolutely gorgeous." Louis smiled a bit shyly.

"Wow, I haven't seen you this excited about the first date in a very long time." Niall said.

"Great, nice reminder that I'm a lower when it comes to guys." Louis chuckled.

"I didn't mean it like that. You just haven't been dating much lately, and the ones you have dated in the last couple of years hasn't really been it." Niall hurriedly said.

"Well, you know how it is." Louis said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I sure do. Why do I have to be straight? Couldn't I be bi to enhance my chances to find someone? Double the luck!" Niall whined.

"Uhm, I think this is the first time I had to deal with a straight crise, it's usually the other way around. You are who you are and there are literally millions of straight girls out there who would want to date you. Get a grip, pal." Louis chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry. That was stupid." Niall giggled a bit embarrassed.

"Maybe you should join a dating app or something?" Liam suggested.

"Really?" Niall sighed.

"Give me your phone." Louis demanded and to his surprise, Niall handed it over.

Louis put it up.
"Smile to the camera."

He snapped a picture and then he uploaded one of the more popular dating apps and Liam came closer. They dictated a dating profile together. When they were done Louis gave Niall his phone back. It didn't take him long to let out his first gasp.
"What the hell guys?"

He read his profile out loud.
"Niall Horan, age 27. There are a few things you need to know about me. First of all, I'm Irish but I live in London. I'm obsessed with golf, both playing and watching and I'm a golf instructor. I tend to look at the bright side of life and I laugh a lot. My friends say that my laugh is like a magic bubble of sunshine and fluffy kittens. I'm genuinely nice and caring and I want a bunch of kids with the right woman. I'm outgoing and easygoing and a total stud in the bed. Interested? Send me a message."

He looked up from his phone.
"Seriously? I can't have this as my profile. They will think I'm nuts!"

The phone vibrated in his hand and he looked down at it.
"Oh, someone sent me a message. What do I do?" He stressed.

"Read it?" Louis suggested with a smirk.

Niall fumbled with his hands but managed to open the message.
"Liza, 25 writes that she thinks I'm cute and sounds like an interesting guy. Really? Should I reply?"

"Go for it!" Liam encouraged.

Soon Niall's phone was vibrating like crazy when message after message from different women came flooding in.

"I guess that's our cue to ask for the check. I think Nialler will be busy for the great of the night." Louis chuckled but he was glad to see the smile on his friends' lips.

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