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This one is for you zpanacea

Louis unlocked the door and hurried inside. He kicked off his shoes and threw the keys in a bowl on the kitchen counter before he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. He opened it on his way to the living room and turned on the radio before he sat down on the couch. He was just in time for his favorite radio show. It was one of his secret guilty pleasures. He hadn't told anyone that he never missed Haz Star's radio plays.

He didn't even know why he liked them so much. The radio actor was very good at reading a play, making different voices and accents. He had a six sense for dramatic outbursts or just delivering funny lines without missing a beat. His voice was very deep and soothing.

It wasn't like he had some kind of fan crush or something. The man sounded twice his age. He just enjoyed listening to his voice and he liked theatre.
"Hello dear listeners, it's me, Haz Star tuning in. Tonight I have a real treat for you. It's time for Samuel Beckets Waiting for Godot. Imagining this scene before you, A country road. A tree. Evening. Estragon sitting on a low mound. He is trying to take off his boot. He's pulling at it with both hands. Panting. He gives up. Exhausted, rests, tries again. As before. Enter Vladimir."

Louis could totally see the scene in his head and giggled a little. This would be a great one, he could already tell. He took a sip from his beer and leaned against the back of the couch. The play started.

"Nothing to be done." Haz said with a sigh and a Russian accent that made Louis smile. His voice was high-pitched and whiny.

"Vladimir advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide apart." Haz explained with that deep voice that gave Louis the chills.

"I'm beginning to come round to that opinion. All my life I've tried to put it from me, be reasonable, you haven't yet tried everything. And I resumed the struggle." Haz changed his voice again, still having a Russian accent, but sounding moodier. He continued, shifting between the two voices.

Vladimir: So there you are again.

Estragon: Am I?

Vladimir: I'm glad to see you back. I thought you were gone forever.

Estragon: Me too.

Vladimir: Together again at last! We'll have to celebrate this. But how? Get up till I embrace you.

Estragon: (irritably) Not now, not now.

Vladimir: (hurt, coldly) May one inquire where His Highness spent the night?

Estragon: In a ditch.

Vladimir: (admiringly). A ditch! Where?

Estragon: (without gesture). Over there.

Vladimir: And they didn't beat you?

Estragon: Beat me? Certainly they beat me.

Louis listened the full hour and laughed at the funny dialogue between the two hobos. This play was crazy, but the radio actor made such a good job delivering the lines. Before he knew it an hour had gone by.
"And that's all we have time for this evening. I hope you enjoyed that and we'll continue this play tomorrow, at eight o'clock. Enjoy the rest of your night and remember to treat people with kindness."

Louis turned off the radio with a smile on display. That had been a well-spent hour of his life.

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