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Great weekend and all but he had really been looking forward to Tuesday and his favorite radio show. He came home after football practice and threw himself on the couch and turned on the radio. It had just started.
"...with me, Haz Star and a new week of Waiting for Godot. I hope you had an amazing weekend. I sure did, one of the best ones in a long time but I will spare you the details. Let's just dive into the play. Ready?"

"Last Thursday we ended the play with the boy exiting the stage. Vladimir and Estragon are alone again." Haz explained with that deep, raspy voice that made the hair on Louis's arms rise. It kind of reminded him all little of Harry's voice when he got to think about it, even if Harry's voice wasn't nearly as dark and deep. It was something about the speech pattern. They were both talking slowly. Okay, now he was losing it. He shook his head at his own thoughts and concentrated on the play instead.

Vladimir: At last! (Estragon gets up and goes towards Vladimir, a boot in each hand. He puts them down at edge of stage, straightens and contemplates the moon.) What are you doing?

Estragon: Pale for weariness.

Vladimir: Eh?

Estragon: Of climbing heaven and gazing on the likes of us.

Vladimir: Your boots, what are you doing with your boots?

Estragon: (turning to look at the boots). I'm leaving them there. (Pause.) Another will come, just as... as... as me, but with smaller feet, and they'll make him happy.

Vladimir: But you can't go barefoot!

Estragon: Christ did.

Vladimir: Christ! What has Christ got to do with it. You're not going to compare yourself to Christ!

Estragon: All my life I've compared myself to him.

Vladimir: But where he lived it was warm, it was dry!

Estragon: Yes. And they crucified quick. Silence.

Vladimir: We've nothing more to do here.

Estragon: Nor anywhere else.

Vladimir: Ah Gogo, don't go on like that. Tomorrow everything will be better.

Estragon: How do you make that out?

Vladimir: Did you not hear what the child said?

Estragon: No.

Vladimir: He said that Godot was sure to come tomorrow. (Pause.) What do you say to that?

Estragon: Then all we have to do is to wait on here.

Vladimir: Are you mad? We must take cover. (He takes Estragon by the arm.) Come on. He draws Estragon after him. Estragon yields, then resists. They halt.

Estragon: (looking at the tree). Pity we haven't got a bit of rope.

Louis listened to the full hour. The play still made no fucking sense but Haz Star made a marvelous job with it, switching between the different voices of Vladimir and Estragon and his speaking voice, making it easy to follow the interaction as a listener. He was a great actor. Making radio plays must be so different from acting on a stage. There was no reaction from an audience. No laughs or anything. It was more like making a movie Louis guessed, but no one was yelling cut in the middle of it.

"So that was the end of act one. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. We'll start with act Two tomorrow. Until then, stay safe and treat people with kindness." With that, the radio show was over and Louis turned off the radio.

He went to take a shower, ate a late dinner, and headed to bed.

On Wednesday he closed another deal. A lovely young couple who was looking for a home to start a family in and he has found just the right one. A safe, kid-friendly neighborhood in a good school district in the right price range. He was good at his job and he liked it. It made him happy to help people find that special place they would grow old together. He just hoped he would have that too one day in the near future. He was ready for a lifelong commitment. He just had to find the right guy. Maybe it was time to start dating every suitable candidate to find the one? Well, he was off to a great start. Harry Styles made him curious and they had great chemistry. He decided to call him the next day to confirm their date, right after his favorite radio show of course. He wouldn't miss that for the world.

He met up with Liam after work and they grabbed a pizza while Liam told him about the girl he was seeing. He looked happy and that made Louis all warm inside. He wanted the best for his friends. They were such a big part of his life and he loved them to death.

He got home in time for the radio show and tuned in.
"Good evening, Haz Star here, excited to move on to Act Two of Waiting for Godot. Get comfortable, dear listeners."

It never sounded like the radio actor just read from a script. He must really learn all the lines beforehand. He was a genius. So talented. Okay, now he was starting to sound like a fangirl. He leaned back and listened to Haz Stars' deep, soothing voice explaining the scene.
"Next day. Same time. Same place. Estragon's boots front center, heels together, toes splayed. Lucky's hat at same place. The tree has four or five leaves. Enter Vladimir agitatedly. He halts and looks long at the tree, then suddenly begins to move feverishly about the stage. He halts before the boots, picks one up, examines it, sniffs it, manifests disgust, puts it back carefully. Comes and goes. Halts extreme right and gazes into distance off, shading his eyes with his hand. Comes and goes. Halts extreme left, as before. Comes and goes. Halts suddenly and begins to sing loudly."

Louis sat up and leaned closer to the radio. He was gonna sing? He spiked his ears.

A dog came in–

Having begun too high he stops, clears his throat, resumes:

A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.

Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb–

He stops, broods, resumes:

Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb
And wrote upon the tombstone
For the eyes of dogs to come:

A dog came in the kitchen
And stole a crust of bread.
Then cook up with a ladle
And beat him till he was dead.

Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb–

He stops, broods, resumes:

Then all the dogs came running
And dug the dog a tomb–

He stops, broods. Softly.

And dug the dog a tomb...

Well, damn! Was there something this man couldn't do? He sang beautifully. Louis was even more impressed.

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