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He saw him the second he stepped into the small coffee shop. Harry was sitting by himself at a table by the window, in his own little world, consumed by something he was reading. Louis smiled and walked up to him.
"Hi, Harry."

He startled him. Harry jumped and closed the book he was reading and put it underneath a stack of papers, movement too fast for Louis to catch the title of the book. Not that he was trying to snoop. Harry got up to hug him.
"Hi, did you have trouble finding the place?"

"No." Louis said and took a seat.

Harry smiled and handed him a menu. He took a look. Yep, it was definitely a salads place. He held back a sigh. At least they had Yorkshire tea.
A barista came to take their order. A young girl, annoyingly chewing a piece of gum loudly. Harry ordered some weird shit with quinoa and loads of different vegetables. Probably healthy as fuck. Louis wrinkled his eyebrows.
"Eeehm, just give me a chicken salad, no cucumber and no avocado, and a Yorkshire tea."

The barista wrote down his order and blew a bubble that she popped with a loud smack. Louis cringed. That should be illegal.
"You don't like avocado?" Harry asked.

"Please! The trendiest food of all time." Louis huffed.

Harry giggled. He glared at him.
"You probably love avocados."

"I do love me a good avocado." Harry grinned.

"Figures." Louis snorted but he smiled as well.

Harry giggled. He did that a lot. Louis really liked that about him. Then he remembered his thoughts from yesterday.
"Uhm, Harry? So, I've noticed that we never talk about what you do for a living. How come?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess it never really came up."

"I guess. We gave managed to talk about my job though." Louis pointed out.

"We literally met while you were doing your job, remember?" Harry laughed.

"True. So tell me about your job then. What is it you do now again?" Louis asked.

"I'm sort of an actor." Harry answered.

The barista interrupted them by bringing their food, but Louis wouldn't let him off the hook that easy. There was something strange going on here.
"Okay, so you don't like your job or what?"

"I love my job!" Harry immediately answered.

Louis sighed and put his fork down.
"It's okay if you do porn Harry, as long as you're happy about it."

Harry stared at him in surprise. His eyes widened and then he burst out laughing.
"What are you talking about? Why would you think I'm a pornstar?"

Louis blushed.
"You're not?"

"No! Oh, God. That's hilarious." Harry laughed.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. It made sense since you are unwilling to talk about what you actually do." Louis said with blushed cheeks.

"It's not a secret. I just...I work as a radio actor. My radio name is Haz Star." Harry answered, waiting for Louis's reaction. It came instantaneously.

"No fucking way!" Louis gasped.

"You listen to my show, right?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Yes. But there's no way that's you. You don't have that deep of a voice." Louis said. He couldn't believe it.

"What if I do?" Harry said, with that deep raspy voice that Louis listened to every night three times a week.

Louis choked on air. How could he have been so stupid? He should have recognized Harry's voice even when he was speaking normally. He just thought that the man on the radio was at least fifty so he never connected the dots. Then he remembered that e-mail he sent and blushed crimson red. He hid his face in his hands.
"Oh fuck. I'm mortified. I sent you an e-mail."

"I thought that would be you. Voice porn with Haz. Very funny. You like my voice?" Harry chuckled.

Louis peaked between his fingers.
"Yes, but mostly I like your acting. I really enjoy your plays. You're really talented."

"Thank you. I didn't mean to make this awkward. I didn't tell you because I wanted you to get to know me, not being influenced by acting me. Does that make sense? I'm sorry. I should just have told you right away." Harry sighed.

"It's okay. I sort of get it. I still can't believe you can alter your voice like that. I thought you were old!" Louis laughed.

"Well, I'm not that old." Harry winked.

"But like, did you think I would go crazy fan on you or what?" Louis had to ask.

"No, I don't know. Not really. I didn't know you. Again, I'm sorry." Harry replied.

"You're forgiven, as long as you use that voice the next time we make out. For research purposes of course." Louis smirked.

"Oh yeah, what kind of research?" Harry teased.

"To see how fast I can come?" Louis said, half-joking. That voice would make wonders for the erection, especially when it was attached to that face and that personality.

Harry burst out laughing.

Louis tried to eat his salad, which meant that he ate the chicken and mostly moved the other stuff around on the plate.
"Not into vegetables?" Harry asked in amusement.

"Not really." Louis smirked.

"Noted. Hey, I would like to cook you dinner. Saturday?" Harry asked in excitement.

"You can cook?" Louis questioned.

"Yes." Harry smiled.

"Saturday." Louis confirmed.

"Great. I have to get going in a bit." Harry said.

"Yeah, and I have a radio show to get home to." Louis smirked.

"And now I'm nervous!" Harry sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and shot him a dimpled smile.

"You're great. No need to be nervous." Louis answered.

"Thanks, Lou." Harry beamed.

They paid for their meals and headed outside. Harry had taken the tube there so Louis offered to drive him to work which Harry gladly accepted. They shared a kiss when they arrived before Harry jumped out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride. I'll talk to you later?"

"I'm gonna be busy, you know, listening to Haz Star." Louis smirked.

Harry giggled and rolled his eyes at him before he raised a hand to wave goodbye. Louis watched him disappear into the radio station and headed home. Harry Styles was his favorite mystery voice. What kind of crazy coincidence was that?

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