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He couldn't help it. As soon as Harry opened the door in a cute little apron because apparently that was what he wore when he cooked, Louis had to kiss him. He took two steps forward and smashed their lips together, taking Harry by surprise. It didn't take him long to catch up though. Louis pushed him against a wall and pressed their bodies together, slipping a leg between Harry's at the same time as he slipped his tongue inside his mouth and kissed him deeply. When they needed to come up for air they were both affected.
"That's what I would call a greeting." Harry smiled.

"Well, you're so damn cute in that apron." Louis replied.

"Revealing yet another kink, I see." Harry smirked.

"You don't even know half of them." Louis retorted.

"No, but I can't wait to find out." Harry said and gave him a dirty look that earned him another kiss.

Harry started to giggle.
"Food first, sex later!"

Louis pulled back, still pinning him to the wall.
"There will be sex?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"I sure hope so. If you want to." Harry replied.

"Oh, I want to." Louis assures him. He took a step back and put his arms behind his back. "So what is this I hear about food?" He asked, seemingly innocent.

Harry burst out laughing but he walked in the direction of the kitchen and Louis followed behind. Harry walked up to the stove and stirred a sauce.
"A steak with bearnaise sauce and red wine sauce and potato gratin. Is that okay?"

"That sounds absolutely amazing. Is this the part where you tell that you made everything from scratch?" Louis replied.

"Why wouldn't I?" Harry asked, sounding confused.

"If it would have been me, I would have bought it, probably from a restaurant, and said that I made it, but I can't cook for shit. So, this is very impressive to me." Louis smiled.

"You can't be that bad." Harry said.

"Oh, trust me, I am." Louis chuckled.

"Well, then you have to cook for me next time and I'll be the judge of that. Would you like a glass of wine?" Harry asked while he fried the meat.

"It's at your own risk, but sure. I can give it a try. Wine? I don't know. I drove here." Louis hesitated.

"What if you stayed the night?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Is that okay with you?" Louis had to make sure.

"Yes. Otherwise I wouldn't suggest it." Harry smiled.

"In that case, I would love a glass of wine." Louis retorted.

Harry opened the oven to check on the gratin before he went to get some wine glasses. He poured them some wine and handed Louis a glass. They small talked and drank a glass while Harry finished dinner. When the meat was done they sat down by the kitchen table.

Louis took his first bite and closed his eyes.
"Oh, God. This is delicious."

"Thank you. " Harry beamed.

"I feel so bad for you now if you accept anything remotely like this when it's my turn to cook for you." Louis smirked.

"It can't be that bad. I'm sure with a little training you could be great in the kitchen." Harry tried to encourage.

"I'm a lost cause but that's okay. You can't be great at everything, well, except for you, you seem to be." Louis smiled while he continued to eat.

"Oh stop it, there are loads of things I'm not good at." Harry giggled.

"Like? Oh wait, I just thought of one, mini-golf." Louis teased.

Harry cackled loudly.
"Yes that, and....knitting. I've tried, believe me but I never seem to get it right."

"Knitting? Why on earth are you trying to learn how to knit, grandma?" Louis joked.

Harry put his tongue out.
"Because I want to learn, wouldn't it be great to know how to make socks for example?"

"Uhm, I just buy them." Louis shrugged.

"But they're not the same. Come on! Didn't you used to get knitted, warm socks from one of your grandparents when you were a kid?" Harry questioned.

"Oh yes, the soft presents you always dreaded. Thanks for the reminder." Louis smirked.

"I loved those." Harry beamed.

"Well, I got four. My birthday is on the 24th so I got two for my birthday and two for Christmas. I had a whole drawer filled with knitted socks." Louis chuckled.

"Aaaw, that's so precious." Harry cooed.

"I didn't think so then." Louis smiled.

"Yeah, me neither." Harry giggled.

They ate the dinner that Harry had made and talked about everything they could think of. They hadn't known each other for long but somehow Louis felt like Harry had always been a part of his life, a feeling that he seemed to share with Harry. He just felt so comfortable around him. Like he could put his feet up on the table and fart kind of comfortable, not that he would. He had manners for fucks sake and he would like to continue the honeymoon phase as long as possible, even if he was looking forward to the day this involved into something more, something deeper. It wasn't a question if he would fall in love with Harry anymore, if there ever was, to be honest. The question was how fast it would take. He was getting there and that was both scary and wonderful at the same time.
"A penny for your thoughts."

Louis focused on Harry and smiled.
"I really like you."

Harry's face slowly lit up like the sun.
"I like you too. Like, a lot!"

They just sat there and smiled, getting lost in each other's eyes.
"Dessert?" Harry finally asked.

"Is that what you call yourself? Cute." Louis smirked.

Harry let out something between a snort and a cackle and hurriedly covered his mouth with both hands.
"No! I made cake."

"Oh, well. Cake sounds good too." Louis winked.

They cleared the table together but didn't make it to dessert. Louis gave Harry that look and he dropped everything and threw himself in Louis's arms, kissing him passionately.

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