# 40

442 52 61

Chapter is not edited.

{ F O R T Y }

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Never before had Armaan noticed, how time is so much like water. It can pass slowly, a drop at a time, even freeze, or rush by in a blink. The clock says it is measured and constant, tick tock, part of an orderly world. The clock lies. The past three days had passed like thousands of camera frames per second shown one at a time. Everything had happened so suddenly. After Heer's concern, he had gone to check Darshan's room, in an assurement to see him. Instead Armaan was welcomed by an empty room. Everything was right at it's place but what felt missing was his friend and his belongings. His best friend was gone. Gone without saying a word.

Next to Armaan, sat Aarushi, contemplating her emotions. They had searched around the whole college but couldn't find Darshan. She had been stressing about loosing her love but the thought of losing a dear friend shuddered her. She saw her emotions as a river flowing. Maybe in a few days the water will be calm again and so will she. Afterall there was nothing that could be done. Her friend, whom she called her brother had left. He had left them without a goodbye.

Arjun's thoughts felt like a dark grey cloud threatening to thunder. After they assumed that Darshan had left the college, they went to inform the college authorities. Only to find that Mr.Vardhan had already given him the transfer certificate. Which meant, that he had planned everything as to when, and how exactly he would leave. Amid the Chaos and celebration of farewell he had decided to slip away. What boiled his blood was the fact that not meeting his own group of friends for one last time was also his decision. His once a good friend had run away.

Heer walked towards the group, but too slowly to be normal. Her hair were tied in plated braid, her specs were up to her nose. She walked clutching her books closer to her chest, drowned in her own thoughts. Her body hit a chair and forcing her to look up to the person sitting on it. She opened her mouth to apologise, her voice trailed slowly, like her words are unwilling to take flight. There was a sadness in her eyes, the brown too glossy.

She put the books down and when no one acknowledged her presence, she cleared her throat a little louder. They all looked up and she gave them a reassuring smile. She sat down next to Arjun. The table felt eerily quiet in contrast to the chaos happening on the other side of the canteen. They had been sitting here for more than fifteen minutes and no one had ordered anything.

Inaya saw the dullp group from a distance and instead of walking to them, she went straight to the canteen guy and said loudly, " bhaiyya paanch special wali MMS table number teen mein bhej dena and yes our usual paneer chilly sandwich as well." She then went to the group and plopped down her bag on one chair while threw her body on the other. She made sounds with her nails on the table. When nobody said anything she sighed loudly.

" Dude, Darshan has only left the college, mara nahi hai woh." She exclaimed.

"It would have been much easier to hate him then." Arjun said bitterly.

" We all knew that Darshan would leave one day . Everyone has to leave this college someday... Why are making it such a big issue?" Inaya said munching the sandwich.

"It's not about leaving Inu. He could have gone with a decent goodbye?" Aarushi said.

" Wasn't the farewell for him as well? Chori chhupe jaane ki kya zaroorat thhi.." Arjun's voice trailed off. He picked the chilli paneer sandwich from the plate, halfed it into two and gave one piece to Aarushi.

" I'm sure he had his own reasons..." Inaya pondered.

" why are you defending him? Don't try to face a mask Inaya." Armaan said.

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