# 32

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A/N : so a few of you had messaged me asking as to when will I update the story and I realised that been quite too long, so here's a new chapter. Hope you all like it.

{ T H I R T Y - T W O }

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" Mumma, mujhe aaye hue do din nahi hue, and you have already started making me do all the house chores. " Heer whined. 

One glare from her mother, and Heer went back to taking some dough and rolling it into a ball. She then placed the dough on the slab and 'tried' to make a round chapati. 

" I didn't knew today's dinner theme is geographical maps." Heer's sister, Tara commented at her disfigured chapati that was now on the pan.  Heer lightly hit her with the rolling pin. 

" Here, let me show you, how to make a perfect chapati." Mr.Vibhuti rushed inside the kitchen, taking the rolling pin from Heer's hand. He started instructing her the 'right' steps to make a chapati, while inbetween accusing his wife of not telling their children the correct ways of doing things. Mrs.Vibhuti just rolled her eyes. 

" Such a pleasure to see the whole Vibhuti family in kitchen." Tara started her commentary.

It had been three days since Heer arrived in Nainital. She still couldn't forget the happy faces as everyone headed to their respective destinations. They had left with not a heavy heart, but a heavy suitcase of unforgettable memories.

She couldn't forget Darshan's face when she gave him the hoodie.

Heer had been a bit hesitant, and maybe because of her nervousness she had hided the hoodie from him. The print hadn't exactly come out the way she wanted.
But then, as soon as Darshan had heard that Heer made the tie and dye hoodie for him, his face had lighted up into a huge grin. His eyes had a shiny spark that had made Heer wonder if he was crying. He shook his head at the question. Seeing him, involuntarily her own lips had curled up into a smile.
That moment, she wanted to grab his camera and click his picture, because the moment was worth capturing.

" See, that's how you do it. So simple." Mr.Vibhuti's voice burst Heer's thought bubble, bringing her back to reality.

She smiled seeing the now puffed chapati. Both her parents were really good at cooking while she believed that it would be best if she ate food rather than making it.

"You said you would let me go if I make a perfect puffed up Chapati. Now can I go, please." She folded her hands in front of her mother.

Tara, her sister had already gone to switch on the television, afterall her favourite actor's movie was premiering. The sisters were crazy after Vidyut Jamwal. The reason why Heer had taken special interest in taekwondo classes. 

"Not before you fill those empty bottles." Her mother pointed at the two empty bottles, making Heer pout again.

" Arre, you go, I'll do it." Her father said, taking the bottle from her hand. Heer walked out happily, thanking her father.

" Don't let her do anything. How will she learn?" She could hear her mother's voice.

They say, in a family one parent has to be the strict one while other becomes the favourite. For Heer, her father portrayed both. He scolded his daughters as much as he loved them. Heer was much closure to her father than her mother. And the reason was their special bond. While Heer could talk about every random thing with her mother, her one look spoke everything with to her father. 

Heer couldn't think of a situation, where he wasn't there to help her, support her. Her father always had her back. When she had failed, more than her, it him who was dejected, and that hurt Heer more. The smile she was used to see on his face had lost. She wanted to bring it back. Maybe that was the reason why she chose to give up each and everything that came in way of her father's smile. She left her dreams to chase his. Everything she did till date, were mere efforts to make him proud. 

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